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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 37)
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Dynahud Hud Manager

Finally, everything is working correctly, thanks for the fix, now I'm happy)

Good karma+2 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Dynahud Hud Manager

I don't use the gamma build, I'm not interested in it, the addon doesn't want to work even on a vanilla anomaly

Good karma+2 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Dynahud Hud Manager

The problem with the alternative BHS HUD has remained. I don't know why it may occur, my monitor is 27 diagonal with an aspect ratio of 16:9, the mod is lower than all the others with which it may conflict. In general, my problem went away when I put this mod, because there is exactly the same mechanics of the alternative HUD BHS, but I didn't like the rest of it, the author could you ask that modmaker a script or something similar, because his alternative HUD BHS works for me, but yours no (

Good karma+2 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Body Health System Realistic Overhaul (0.87 EFT BHS Update)

Хей бро, не мог бы сделать fomod для MO2 чтоб было проще устанавливать патчи идущие к моду с мини превью внутри? Заранее благодарю

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ R6 Twitch Female Voiced Actor v1.5

Eee... It worked

Good karma+2 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ R6 Twitch Female Voiced Actor v1.5

That is, it is necessary that DH overwrite it? Okay, I'll check it out and report back. If everything goes well, I'll let you know

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ R6 Twitch Female Voiced Actor v1.5

As I suspected, the conflict occurs when Dynahud is enabled, I hope this information will help to make a patch for your addon, or the author of Dynahud will make it, I don't know)

Good karma+2 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ R6 Twitch Female Voiced Actor v1.5

oh how similar names trigger me, I always confuse them xdd, in general I don’t use the addon that you indicated, and I didn’t patch it, strange, I have no idea which addon can overwrite this file, can you tell me where it is this script i will try to find overwrite or something like that, it's just that your addon doesn't overwrite so many files and axr main is not one of them

In general, the error occurs only if I put a patch on BHS in your addon, i.e. FDDA / Mage Redux do not break my save in any way. I'll check again with disabled Dynahud, maybe it's because of him that passes idk

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ R6 Twitch Female Voiced Actor v1.5

Btw there was no such bug in 1.0 version of the addon

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ R6 Twitch Female Voiced Actor v1.5

It's strange, but I have a crash with your addon, if I turn it off, then the save is loaded normally, Idk why is this happening, because I don't use ARX

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ R6 Twitch Female Voiced Actor v1.5

[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : C:\anomaly_src\xray-monolith\src\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 206
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script:260: table index is nil

heh bro, there is a conflict when I install the BHS patch, perhaps because I use this addon

Good karma+2 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ New levels 0.53

Спасибо большое, надеюсь ты не сильно выгоришь от этого аддона и будешь делать классные штуки дальше. Я сам иногда мучаюсь делая правки в своей "васян" сборке, ибо то одно, то другое неправильно встаёт или криво работает. Желаю терпения и мотивации работать дальше.

Good karma+2 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ New levels 0.53

Это один из лучших модов за последние пол года, которые появились на моддб. Большая благодарность всей команде разрабатывающих его.

Я смог выявить небольшой баг связанный с аномалиям, конкретно с их местоположением на пда карте, после сохранения в Мрачном лесу у меня пропали кружки посещённых аномалий именно на этой локации, перезагрузка не помогла, нашёл тогда уже 7/8 аномалий. Не могу знать с чем это может быть связано, т.к новых аномалий и их новые спавны у меня не стоят. Скрин с пда

Планируется ли дальнейшее расширение аддона? Мне бы хотелось видеть может быть промежуточную локацию связывающую Лиманск, Госпиталь и Затон? Idk. Это чисто мое предложение, не мне ведь решать)

Good karma+3 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ [1.5.2] Artefacts Variationizer 1.5.2 (UPDATE 3)


[error]Expression : bone_id!=BI_NONE
[error]Function : SArtefactDetectorsSupport::Blink
[error]File : C:\anomaly_src\xray-monolith\src\xrGame\Artefact.cpp
[error]Line : 585
[error]Description : bone01

Не могу знать с чем это связано, вроде как обычно вылет происходит после выбросов ( не важно каких) в переделах 10-15мин. Но ошибка идёт из-за какого то артефакта.

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Cleaner AK PMC VSSM

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Cleaner AK PMC

Thank you for such wonderful addons. Maybe I'm asking a lot, but the author, could you make a new model of the VSS modernized. I would like to do similar things myself, but unfortunately I don't understand anything about modeling and texturing

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Painecx

Thank you for such wonderful addons. Maybe I'm asking a lot, but the author, could you make a new model of the VSS modernized. I would like to do similar things myself, but unfortunately I don't understand anything about modeling and texturing

Good karma+2 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Dynahud Hud Manager

Hey bro, I noticed a small bug with the minimap. When loading a save or moving from location to location, if a dynamic minimap is enabled and at that moment the player had a weapon in his hands, then the stalker counter breaks down in the vicinity, i.e. after removing the weapon from his hands, the minimap will return, but the number of stalkers will not be displayed, only the on/off of the minimap helps in the settings of the anomaly itself.

Good karma+3 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ [New SR-25 Added] Phant0m's Tactical Endgame Weapons Pack - BAS Overhaul

Hey bro, it's me again) Will the addon still be updated? If yes, could you do the same as with the m4, adding the ability to choose it with or without cover plates, but for the SR-25 with a clean rifle and in paint? (I know what to make 2 textures for one weapon, but I would not mind using your pure SR25, as I am now using the M4 tac without cover plates.

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Dynahud Hud Manager

A very cool addon that gives excellent immersiveness, but I encountered a small visual bug, my bhs hud is not updated in my inventory, as well as the overlay of one texture on another. I use this sequence in MO2

1. Continue with Dynohud Install
2. With official hd reskin Dynahud
3. Dynahud Minimalistic - No Ammo Counter
4. BHS (Patches)
6. Top left
7. Classic (Companion UI)

Good karma+3 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ SR 25 EFT

А насчёт прицельно сетки не знал что используют свою текстуру. Извиняюсь)
Там кстати коментами выше Blackjeison что то насчёт иконок кидал, но я так и не смог доступ получить.

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ SR 25 EFT

Просто спавнил ее через дебаг, хз что с иконками не так, использую Simplified Vision UI, модифицированные exeшники от 09.07, BaS . Тип что без прицелов, что с ними вот так ломает иконку, с каждым прицелом по разному, то полностью пропадёт и останется как на скрине (глушак+прицел), то часть иконки дублируется.

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ SR 25 EFT Словил вот такой вот прикол с иконками, так же у Leupold сломана прицельная сетка? Хз или она действительно сломана или так и задумывалось. 3 скрин с этим прицелом на другой винтовке. Так же не могу найти в спавнере Vortex

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Blackjeison

Hi, bro, in the comments under this addon you told me that you could make a patch/fix to use the MK-18 with a silencer "If you tell me what type of silencer it is, I could make a version with a silencer." I think the silencer from the Remington M700 is chambered .338 Lapua Magnum will fit this rifle
And I also think it's worth considering that the MK-18 with a silencer will be longer and this addon will not work quite correctly

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Dynamic & Ambient Music Overhaul (Update 4)

Excellent addon complementing immersion in the game.The Author 1 Hip wife and 2 porridge of chimer-mutant

Good karma+3 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Atmospheric Main Menu

Bro thank you for this mod, the music from 28 days later fits just great

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ Dynahud Hud Manager

! [LUA] 0 : [C ] dynahud_on_mcm_change
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\dynahud_mcm.script(225) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : make_callback
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(119) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] .../anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_options.script(2408) : On_Accept
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] .../anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_options.script(2277) :
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] dynahud_on_mcm_change
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\dynahud_mcm.script(225) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : make_callback
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(119) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] .../anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_options.script(2408) : On_Accept
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] .../anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_options.script(2277) :
! [LUA] ...anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\dynahud_mcm.script:225: attempt to call field 'dynahud_on_mcm_change' (a nil value)
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] dynahud_on_mcm_change
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\dynahud_mcm.script(225) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : make_callback
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(119) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] .../anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_options.script(2408) : On_Accept
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] .../anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\ui_options.script(2277) :
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\dynahud_mcm.script:225: attempt to call field 'dynahud_on_mcm_change' (a nil value)
# SAVING: Sleep deprivation | last_sleep: 54
# SAVING: Water deprivation | last_drink: 260
# SAVING: NPC items | number of saved npcs: 0
# SAVING: level_weather | cycle: rain - preset: w_rain2 - is_underground: false - weather_storage size: 0
* Saving spawns...
* Saving objects...
* 18745 objects are successfully saved
* Game fatal_ctd_save_2.scop is successfully saved to file 'c:/games/anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\appdata\savedgames\fatal_ctd_save_2.scop'


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 206
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...anomaly 1.5.2/bin/..\gamedata\scripts\dynahud_mcm.script:225: attempt to call field 'dynahud_on_mcm_change' (a nil value)

stack trace:

Hmm, I have a similar problem, only slightly different, the z_alticons script is there.

1. Continue with Dynohud Install
2. With official hd reskin Dynahud
3. Dynahud Minimalistic - No Ammo Counter
4. BHS (Patches)
5. Top Right
6. Classic (Companion UI)

Crashes when trying to change the position of icons from objects, and only when the game is running, and it does not matter whether I change the settings in your mod or others, the crash does not occur before the start of saving / debag maps, but in the game itself it already crashes

Also, your addon is prioritized higher than the others, no one overwrites it (from mods for full compatibility are Anomaly Magazines Redux,SquareDOV,Groks Body Health System+Patch_SquareDOV,Modular Compass Minimap Extension in the same order as listed) Your addon is worth following.

Good karma+3 votes
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ [New SR-25 Added] Phant0m's Tactical Endgame Weapons Pack - BAS Overhaul

Hey Bro, don't you want to upgrade the DSA SA-58 (with a short barrel) and Ruger SR-556 next thing. The old lady DSA I think needs it very much. By the way, does the new SR-25 have no inspection animation? Just during the inspection, my character lightly wraps around the front handle and nothing else, i.e. in general, I thought you would do the same inspection as the M4? Idk.

Good karma+1 vote
Sxnner.Idfc - - 37 comments @ MK-18 Mjolnir Marksman Rifle

Perhaps I could add a silencer for your weapon myself, but only for my own use. That's just if I knew how to do it...

Good karma+1 vote