I'm mostly here to find mods for the few games I still own. I'm not a huge gamer, but I enjoy looking at & playing work made by other users who either had their own ideas for games, or were looking to revitalize a game they already enjoyed. This will mostly relate to RTS titles, as I prefer this genre over every other that I've played.

RSS Reviews


Game review

TripleA is a well-done recreation of the A&A board game, with enough variations and user-made content to entertain anyone who finds the tradtional game too simple.
Still, there are occasionally issues with unit selection, and, as with all user-made content, there are bugs that make certain aspects of the game more difficult than they ought to be. These issues are rare, though, and usually easy to work around.


Kane's Wrath Reloaded

Mod review

Having not had a chance to play Kane's Wrath or C&C 4 (mostly thanks to reviews), I've found this mod enjoyable for the sole fact that it includes some of the "newer" units and classics like the Titan. With that said, several features are buggy, and the AI does not know what to do if given one of the new armies (ZOCOM, Marked of Kane, etc.), which makes for a rather boring single player experience. If that's not an easy fix, I understand, though hammering out the bugs in the existing features should probably take priority anyways.


Tiberium Essence

Mod review

Seriously one of the best game mods I have seen. The new models and units look incredible; if you played it before playing the original game, you could swear that this C&C3 fresh out of the box. Everything from the units and structures, to the upgrade icons, even the new combat effects are incredible, and the inclusion of original soundtracks from the older Tiberium games really brings this whole thing together the way EA should have when they made C&C3.