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Comment History
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ House Hornwood (the North)

Now Battle of The Bastards can truly happen in all of our games

Good karma+2 votes
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Merry Christmas all my fellow GoT fans

Good karma+2 votes
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Thenns (Beyond the Wall)

"I'm going to eat your dead mama, and I'm going to eat your dead papa, go tell the crows at Castle Black."

Good karma+7 votes
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Smalljon looks like Rollo in the new season of Vikings, its awesome and DAMN! those new umber skins man, great work can you release more screenshots of the mod pre December 3rd, so we can see all of the final units pre release

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Hey that latest date is my sisters birthday, I know that has nothing to do with the mod but its an interesting coincidence

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Renly Baratheon

lol so true man, imagine what Loras would do if he could've seen it haha lmao

Good karma+3 votes
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ House Stark (the North)

The Starks look badass, I'm so excited to play a Jon Snow Stark army, its going to be badass

Good karma+4 votes
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

House Martell looks sick AF, and the glovers look exactly like they do in the show, I can't wait for Thanksgiving, I will truly have something to be thankful this year lol

Good karma+2 votes
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Total War: Rise of Mordor

Ok thanks I was going based on the outdated sceenshots of the faction banners and the Iron Hills Roster, which I'm assuming isn't the final cut for the Erebor/IH army roster, I'm looking forward to seeing new updated screenshots, and that I'm glad that custom generals will be added, thanks for the help.

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Total War: Rise of Mordor

Ok, well, in that case what exactly is going to be the difference between the Erebor and Iron Hills Armies? And further more, when are you guys going to post another set of screenshots and will you guys be doing custom generals like Elrond, Aragorn, Thranduil, Thorin, Azog and Bolg etc. I really have a lot of questions about this mod and I would like any time you could give to answer them.

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Total War: Rise of Mordor

So how exactly are you guys planning to do the campaign, are you just going to reskin and change the faction names into Middle-Earth factions and maybe fool around with the starting borders, or are you going to use a flooded/modded ancient Europe/Arabia/Africa, because someone told me that was possible a few days back, and I could see a middle-earth forming from those continents, like Sicily as Umbar, Northern Gaul and Britian as Arnor, Southern Gaul, and Northern Italy and Illyria as Gondor, maybe forming a few mountain ranges to create the Iron Hills and Erebor factions, etc. But is that even possible in the first place, and if so, what are you guys going with for the campaign.

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Total War: Rise of Mordor

why have their been no recent videos showcasing this mod, I mean their are plenty of videos showcasing Seven Kingdoms, but its been months since I've seen a video presenting this particular mod.

Good karma+2 votes
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Well, to be fair, the Thenns and the Haunted Forest Wildlings could be created accurately, those two made up 95% of the wildlings fleshed out in the show, those could probably be made, either way, I need to somehow figure out a way to download mods from here, I get all of mine from Steam and I doubt this will be on the the Steam Workshop, so unless I figure it out, i'll be the one unlucky twat who never gets to play this mod, that would be unfortunate

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

and one more think, will there be giants like in Caligula's Wildling faction mod, and if so, please give them monster stats so that they don't die after they get 6 or 7 kills, that's the one thing I absolutely HATE about his wildling mod, that and Jon's unit is pretty f---king weak as well and sucks in melee

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

I watched the Q&A video yesterday, and I was wondering about the theorized Beyond the Wall update pack after the release date, would you guys be planning on doing several different types of Wildlings in it? For example, on the show wiki it states the differences between certain ethnicities of wildlings, for example, the Thenns and the "mainstream" wildlings of the Haunted Forest,so if you guys do to add on a Free Folk faction to the mod in the future, will there be certain types of wildlings, like the Northern and Riverlander houses in those two factions?

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Alright, couldn't Blick Mang just split the Seven Kingdoms file on Steam, I've seen several files that have done that on Steam, like the Four Nations for CKII, I'm just asking because I've been trying to download the aGoT mod for CKII and every time I try it never works and the only way to get it is from here, so I've had some doubts about my ability to download mods from here recently

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Will the mod be available on the Steam Workshop as well as on here, nd will there be any additional files that we'll have to download to be able to play Seven Kingdoms, like the Kings of Winter mod?

Good karma0 votes
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Ok thanks for explaining all of that, I really don't want to see a lone Jon Snow get charged at by several units of heavy cav, and I don't want to see an OP Jon unit either, so thanks. I never really thought about the Targaryens being a horde faction, I mean yeah they have 100,000 Dorthraki Screamers and all, but I was still really thinking of them as a Westerosi faction, and kinda want to see what the original Targaryen armor and shields would look like, since we really only get to see the Unsullied in the show. So if, the Targaryen horde were to happen, would Dany start with the Reach and Dorne as her military allies and client states, and adding onto that, does that basically mean we'll be starting right where Season 6 left off, with Cersei allied with the Freys (who are still fighting the Mallister/Blackwood Rebellion) and controlling the Crownlands and Westerlands directly and Jon and Sansa ruling over the North with the Vale as another military ally and client state?

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Alright, I understand what you are saying, and I get the type of floodgates that would open up, but I'm still very iffy on Dany leading an actual Targaryen army, she pretty much useless on the battlefield except when she's riding a dragon, and I wouldn't like someone like Grey Worm commanding the Targaryen army, I mean he's a great warrior and all but I believe that a Targaryen should command a Targaryen army, and for the record, maybe the Targs should just be a sort of legacy faction, and with a wide variety of units and the top 5 Targaryen warriors as the generals, I mean if you guys decide to make the Targs a playable faction for custom battles, you're going to get requests to make Aegon the Conqueror, or the first Daemon Targaryen, or even Baelor Breakspear, King Maekar and certainly Rhaegar, it may just be better for you guys to plan for them to be an update to the mod after it goes public. Oh and two more quick questions, 1: Will the generals become a single-man, potentially OP unit like in Warhammer, or will you be able to recognize the generals in a cav or infantry unit? and 2: will Jon and Robb be generals for the Northern faction, due to them both being the Kings in the North?

Good karma+1 vote
LordImperator26 - - 20 comments @ Seven Kingdoms: Total War

Um, I know this may seem like a really stupid thing to say, but if you guys are making a House Targaryen faction somewhere down the road, could you make Rhaegar Targaryen as the custom general unit, I know he's long dead when the both the books and show start, but he's always seemed like a total badass and he was the Last Dragon after all, so it would be nice to see an actual Targaryen warrior-prince commanding a Targaryen army, just a request by a diehard GOT and ASOIAF fan, I love how accurate this mod is to the show, its a truly unprecedented feat by every Total War Game of Thrones mod, can't wait for it to go public so I can play it, its pretty much all I'm going to play on Attila when that happens, Thanks to all of you for taking the time and doing your homework to make it as accurate as possible.

Good karma+1 vote