A lover of classic games but mainly the big names being Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars, Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft. Keeps a calm and cool head in discussions and looks at all situations with an open mind. Currently following/tracking 2 Command and Conquer 3 mods being Kanes Wrath Reloaded and Tiberium Essence. Love to limit myself use of certain of technology in game for instance with Tiberium Essence when playing Nod I can play "Nod" (Normal C&C3 Nod), "Kabal" (Heavy use of Cyborgs, no Hand of Nod units) and "Black Hand" (Heavy use of Black Hand Squads and Devils Tongues). Serves as Moderator of the Starcraft 2 custom map website Night of the Dead.

Comment History
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

You have to launch the game from the Control Center or autorun. You will be presented with a option menu and one of the tabs is "Mods", you should find Tiberium Essence there.

Good karma+2 votes
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence 1.52

Good call. I do like having a few giants striding among my army of mechanical undeath. With these alongside even more death is to come.

Good karma+4 votes
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence 1.52

Sweet mother of mercy... O_O
Words cannot describe the awesomeness

Good karma+7 votes
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

That is an old and yet golden mechanic for the Mammoth Tank. Wonder why silly EA left it out. Loved to see it return and in full even for the Mutant Mastodon Tank.

Good karma+1 vote
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

Oh yes. Biggest pain was the one in Alexendria where you gain access to the Mammoth Tank and the hype that surrounds that mission because you now have access to "GDIs' most advanced and powerful mobile armor" Its a lie! Good ol Nod make heavy use of the Cobra Artillery to harass your base and destroy key structures before you can do anything but the biggest problem is your limited resources in that map where as the AI in most of the campaigns is given an insanely large amount of credits.

The Mammoth Tank in that mission will not save you in anyway. I tried steamrolling with 6 Veteran Mammoths with the Rail Gun upgrade and they died horribly to the mass of infantry there since Rail Guns cant hit infantry as well they used to. Then I tried bringing along Disruptors in my next try, went a bit better but then Nod had a ton of Stealth Tanks and Cyborg Reapers ripping away at everything with impunity.

Sooo, then it was cheese time - Blacken out the sky with a swarm of Jumpjet Infantry.

I had to revert to normal C&C 3 or Kanes Wrath Reloaded mod to finish that mission. Was fun watching the MARV, the real "most advanced and powerful mobile armor" tear that base apart entirely on its own. Revenge was sweet.

Good karma+3 votes
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

Just getting back to what I wanted to say about Sensor Pod - Who uses it?

Its there but does someone use it? Its found on the GDI Falcon which is 100% fine but when someone builds the Falcon do they go "Yes, time to use Sensor Pod!"?

If not then what I am getting at is you have an ability which is there but no one uses therefore it is mute and could be up for removing or replacing.

Good karma+2 votes
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

Well apart from which unit it is/should be on and its application, who makes use of Sensor Pod in general? Even with it having been on the Orca Fighter, who used it?

I'm wondering for it may be like the old Venom + Beam Cannon Reflector Beam Combo. It was there, sounded very cool and looked awesome in the C&C 3 Battle Reports but I haven't seen a single person use it. Ive played online with about 500+ games versus Nod players and never seen it be used.

Good karma+4 votes
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

How many players make use of the Sensor Pod found on the Falcon?

Good karma+1 vote
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

Mac user or Windows?

Only other thing is just the 2 files
The BIG File of 334Mb
The SKUDEF File of 41bytes

Thats the size of mine (For v1.51) so if they are smaller maybe some information is missing.

Good karma+1 vote
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

You did extract the files under its own folder to the mods file of C&C 3 Tiberium Wars found in My Documents?

Good karma+1 vote
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

GDI in general is known for their rapid deployment of troops to anywhere in the world thanks to their orbital deployment technology being the Space Stations and Kodiaks which does justify the use of Stratofighter on the Firehawk. It would be bad of the GLOBAL Defense Initiative if it couldn't defend well on a global scale even in this case if it is an aerial threat and GDI masters of the sky can smite down those who try to compete with them at any time.

Balance sake though getting back to gameplay it can work. The Firehawks do benefit from the armor upgrade so they can last while out in the field with minimal fear of being shot down. The Banshee on the other hand is an all purpose hi-tech strike craft and after it has fired its load it'll need to reach base again safely to resupply. I'm for the idea as it will be a nice mix up.

My only concern is how will the AI work it as the AI can drop in Banshees from anywhere even in fog and start wiping out key units or structures in your base same way they used the original Firehawks.

EDIT: Someone else made the same point as I did while I was making mine :P

Good karma+3 votes
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

I would testify to this that Nod Rocket Squads are a serious pain and there are very few strategies that work against.

To test this out for yourself I would suggest playing the map Redzone Rampage 2v2 with you and an ally (your faction is irrelevant) and the enemy is both Nod. Get ready to be blown back into the stone age.

What ilic_stefan said is true, you kill 1 and they kill 2 of yours and they keep pouring forth. It gets even worse once they get the Forced Evolution upgrade on them.

As Scrin, I have yet to find a way to beat this. With Nod its relatively easy (Shredder Wall) but GDI is a fun one. Wolverine spam? Too weak. APC with Rifleman spam? Too expensive. Higher tech? Not gonna happen. 2 valid counters I have is 1-Make use of base defenses and walls and the fact that walls cannot be fired over except by Walkers or 2-SPAM ROCKET SQAUDS!! FIGHT ROCKET SPAM WITH A EVEN BIGGER ROCKET SPAM!! XD

Good karma+1 vote
Krusade - - 13 comments @ Tiberium Essence

Loving this mod entirely. Just a few notes... (Do pardon the wall o text :P)

-Mastadon Tank does not Repair while idle (In game it doesn't say it does but the preview of it here says it does)
-Mastadon Tank does not level up
-Orca Transport takes extremely long to land to pick up units
-Visceroids created by infantry deaths due to exposure remain passive
-Leviathan Mothership does not orientate itself when attacking targets at its side
-Mutant vehicles do not regenerate while on Tiberium
-Scorpion Tanks can crush Disentegrators without taking damage (While they do have the Dozer Blades on when they are built it is extremely effective of them to be able to roll over whole groups of them and not take damage)
-Rail Gun and Laser weaponry have a habit of missing moving targets especially infantry (With management a single Buzzer unit can wipe out 5 squads of Zone Troopers)

-Increase the Tiberium Spike income to 15/20/25$ per second. The 10$ per second that it is at is really low. EA nerfed it down to 15$ in KW which was kinda alright but 10$ is very little.

-Increase the Sabouters health
-Increase the Black Hand Commandos health and damage vs Light Vehicles
-Give the Purifier Cannon on the Avatar a longer/an area of effect burn
-Increase the Cyborg Commandos flamethrower damage

-Slightly increase the Wolverines damage vs Structures
-Increase the Zone Commandos damage vs Light Vehicles
-Increase the rocket attack speed on the Mammoth Tank as to better counter infantry squads and aircraft but reduce the damage vs Medium to Heavy Vehicles

-Increase the Leviathan Mothership turn factor
-Have Ion Storm attack the target that is on the lowest health

-Increase the Mastadons armor and health (As a Mammoth Tank prototype and the amount of time it takes to build one it is very squishy and loses to any other factions Tier 3 Heavy Unit. If you factor in the infantry it can hold it does a bit more damage before dying out)

Good karma+3 votes