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Comment History
kissboll - - 5 comments @ SourceRacer

Nice! I really liked the game and I sure will tell the people from sweden, atleast, your back.
I'll put you in a newspost on as soon as I'm done with my homework. =/

Good karma+1 vote
kissboll - - 5 comments @ Half - Life : Cerebral Effect

Sounds intresting. This might actually be good, for a change... :D

Good karma+1 vote
kissboll - - 5 comments @ TrainHub Part 1

Dude, this is some lame mapping... Could probably do it better my self.

Good karma+1 vote
kissboll - - 5 comments @ dm_forsaken

The sky texture looks nice. From the hubble I think. To bad the intensity of the light on the map is to high to go with it.

Good karma+1 vote
kissboll - - 5 comments @ Eclipse

Love your work. Looks excellent. Nice to see some mod where you dont have to use a gun to survive.
Nice story aswell.
Great to have you here

Good karma+2 votes