Collaboration is the key to a more productive community Rather than make new teams and similar mods... Join existing teams, work on mods together and share resources so mods are completed better and quicker. Currently been away from the site for a few years and my obligations to these mods has fallen by the wayside. I am and have been since 2015ish working on a few mods for another game franchise, between this, working and socialising I have had no time whatsoever. If anyone is interested in looking at or joining up to manage these mods please contact me with the acceptation of IBII as I believe the team was still active last time I checked and it would not be for me to say as I am not the mod leader. Someone gave me a couple of mods to look after which are on here, I have also found a dead mod or two and revived it so it was not lost to time. I'm a few months away from completing my main mod, I have a few additions I am also working on but it will be a huge relief once completed.

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Time and effort for free mods... Working together...

King_ZZ Blog

Most people probably do not understand the amount of hours time and effort that goes into making these mods and i may add... they are free!

Really if you enjoy a mod and spend time playing it you really should give the developer something for it after all you are enjoying all of their countless hours for absolutely nothing, would you spend hundreds of hours working for someone else's enjoyment you do not even know?

Or even better... perhaps you have expertise or knowledge you can lend a helping hand... after all these people who have been building mods have probably spent months and months or even years working on mods and I know from my experience that you just want them to be finished and fully working.

Making a creation from which you have great interest is a very special feeling of accomplishment... But taking on too much work is highly stressful I cannot recommend it, if you have an interest you should really try and join an existing team or get a big collaboration going as being stuck into a job pretty much on your own is a daunting task.