Worked my a** off as a freelancer. Now it's time to do something I love: Making games.

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All the small things ...

jrk Blog

Right now I’m spending all my work time on stuff like In App purchase integration, GameCenter and battling webkit. It’s not the kind of work I like to do but the features I build now can be used for future projects so I have to do it once.

Here are some “awesome” screens:

1. The Minyx In App store got an overhaul (new programmer art!):

2. Our In App promotion system (where users can see a list of our awesome games):

I hope I'm done soon and can work on the game itself :)

The first days of our game on the App Store

jrk Blog

I guess it's not the best style to just link to another site from my blog but I think the post might be an interesting read for all devs who think about putting a game into the app store.

Shortly, this is what happens if you have no clue about marketing:


The game grosses now ~$3 per day and I guess for our next release I have somehow to get the marketing machinery going. :[ (I hate marketing and would rather code all the day)