Hey guys! Well, I can tell about myself that I'm a purcchases manager for a company in Spain, but in my free time I play games (lately only Portal/Portal2) and this last year, around October or so, I started mapping for Portal2. The result is that I'm currrently spending more time mapping than playing! But I think mapping is the same or even more funny than playing! I'm happy with the result so far, and this result will be released in just a few months: The Enceladus Initiative... Stay tuned!!

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Propper Tutorial to use it with Portal2 Authoring Tools (P2AT)

Propper Tutorial to use it with Portal2 Authoring Tools (P2AT)

The Enceladus Initiative Props Modelling 3 comments

Propper is a modified version of the vbsp.exe (similar to the one we all have into our portal2/bin folder that hammer uses when compile) that outputs...