RSS Reviews

Ultimate Apocalypse Mod (DOW SS)

Mod review

Let's get this straight, I used to play Warhammer 40K tabletop. I still have 1,500 points of Chaos sitting somewhere in a closet gathering dust. I played the RTS since Winter Assault. This is the first time using this mod and I played it for around 5 hours.

This is the type of mod that you wish the developers put in the game when it was released. Or at least offered as DLC. I've been courting this mod for a long time until I installed it. There was a time it wasn't compatible with steam. The mod team continued to work on it until it almost ready for it's Grand Release.

After installing it and playing a few maps, I was really blown away with by options it offered for match ups. All of the new buildings and units have an incredible amount of detail. They have pulled not only from the Games Workshop line but also from the Forge World line. I was REALLY IMPRESSED with that.

I have called a few of my buddies that I used to play WH40K with to get him involved with multiplayer. And even though we have all gotten old, fat with wives and kids I would still like to rush my Khorne Berzerkers at him. I might never own a Reaver Titan since it's now selling for $700.00 USD with shipping, but thanks to the hard work from the UA team, I can still stomp someone with one.

Best of luck with the future of this mod and thank you for all the work you put into it.