Stencyl / GameMaker Studio || Tries to mix John Tiller's Panzer Campaigns series with Gary Grigsby's War in the East, AGEOD's Revolution under Siege and Norm Koger's The Operational Art of War. And a bit of Panther Games' Command Ops 2

RSS Reviews

Pirates Über Alles

Mod review

Absolutely unbalanced mod, economy is just ****** by ridiculous upkeep of every unit, cant bulid anything, cant recruit anything, every turn you just look at end turn numbers and thats it - thats the whole mod. Cant expand because you cant recruit new units, and even if by some miracle you manage to capture the region public order will **** you up, so you cant hold it.

The battles are meh at best, with guard cavalry you can steamroll everything, but dont worry, you cant afford them either. Bunch of garrisoned woman with forks will defeat a line infantry unit, which is logical because troops in this mod miss 9/10 shots. Another great idea of this mod is puting limits on EVERY troop, ship and cannon, so you cant have more that 20 line infantry units, why? Who knows, who cares you will never be able to afford the upkeep anyway, besides some models are very nice, but some are straight from MS Paint in Windows 95, you will sometimes ask yourself what are you looking at.

The mod is in Russian or Google Translate English, not a problem if you speak russian, things got worse if you dont speak gibberish.

Its 4/10 beacuse they fixed the Empire engine, the bugs are mostly gone, the AI is not braindead anymore, and the game is stable, historic events are there, this would be a great mod, but they just decided to ruin it with broken economy


Unity of Command

Game review

Black ICE Mod

Mod review