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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 69)
giovanio - - 69 comments @ Dark Age Chronicles - Conquerors

podrías añadir tropas frisias a los bandidos francos ya que se dice que hay revueltas frisias por esa zona

remplaza el capitán de barco de los vikingos por una tropa nórdica que no sea bandido para que estos ataquen al jugador en formación muro de escudos en ves de solo cargar

cambia el daño cortante de los arcos y ballestas por un daño punzante para que sea mas efectivos

podrías cambiar el uso de las hachas largas de a 1 y 2 manos a solo a 2 manos ya que son lentas a una mano ,es mejor que las tropas atacaran usándolas a 2 manos y con el escudo en la espalda .

podrías modificar o añadir lanzadores de jabalinas a pie como mercenario ya que son realmente eficaces ( lo mejor es quitarle el caballo al escaramuzador equidano y darle un escudo ligero ya que es la caballería mas débil del juego )

quita el cuchillo del inventario del guerrero sueco ya que para ser soldados de elite hay ocasiones que luchan con un cuchillo en vez de una espada

aumenta el limite de las tropas de la huestes de los bandidos principalmente de los vikingos para que sean mas desafiantes ( base parece que son como máximo 40 y seria mejor que el máximo sean cerca de los 90 )

podrías añadir una armadura media al conetero y equiparlo con el hacha franca ya que el original es muy débil

añadir a honderos pesados como mercenarios seria bastante bueno

la mayoría de estos se puede hacer con la aplicacion morghs m&B WB-Wfas editor

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

creo que se refiere mas cuando asedian Erebor en ves de solo atacar y entrar a los pasillos tengan que destruir una puerta similar cuando se atacan campamento orcos

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

las ballestas enanas hacen poco daño ya que al ser ballestas no aumentan de daño con la habilidad de tensado o de manejo del arma como hace el arco por lo que siempre hará el mismo daño . con un daño alrededor de 35 a 40 en ves de solo 28 seria mejor para que pueda competir contra los arqueros

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

seria posible usar el mod viking conquest como base para este mod por el uso de formaciones y combate mas pulido

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant

los barcos principalmente helenos podrían combatir con el espolón en ves de lanzar flechas algo mas similar al juego ancient wars sparta

porque todas las unidades de lanceros tienen las mismas estadísticas como defensa y daño por ejemplo las unidades galas que apenas tienen armaduras visible y escudos de tamaño medianos tienen las mismas estadísticas que los triarios romanos que tienen un escudo mas grande y se puede ver que tienen una cota de malla .seria mejor que las unidades romanas tengan mejor protección pero que cueste mas recursos ya que si la mayoría de las unidades tienen las mismas estadísticas se siente casi igual sin importar con que facción juegas

Good karma+2 votes
giovanio - - 69 comments @ 0 A.D. Empires Ascendant

seria posible que las unidades tengan una barra de munición como en el rome total war.
por ejemplo los infantes romanos puedan lanzar 2 jabalinas y tenga que pasar amenos 20 segundos para que recargue la munición para volver a tener disponibles las 2 jabalinas .

Good karma+3 votes
giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

deberían pulir mas las formaciones y combate con la lanza

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

between Minas tirith and osgiliath there is a scenario (I think it has a mill) that makes the armies not attack and only remain at the point of appearance

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

many arcs inflict cutting damage instead of penetration, so they do little damage against armored opponents since a 21 damage penetration arc deals more damage than a 32 damage of cut damage

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

There is also a place near Gondor, where both army are still and do not attack

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

I have a problem with the dwarf crossbowmen since they don't shoot and instead you just reload and a trumpet sound sounds

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

Like the goblins that appear almost at the end of the movie, the battle of the 5 armies that try to kill Torin and Legolas comes to help him.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

the simi-troll were actually semi-orcs (orcs mixed with wild men) or a stronger version of it.
Goblin is the same thing that Orc is that I confused the words.
The semi-orcs were the most numerous force of saruman, even more than the uruk hai. In the game, the semi-orcs should look like the uruk of mordor, therefore, the "basic" orcs of incegad must be stronger than the orcs of mordor.
Google translator

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

Is there any possibility of adding to the semitrol of saruman. these could be at an intermediate point of a normal orc and a uruk hai.
By the way, are there any trasgo in the game?
Tolkin wrote that the orcs have more strength than a human in genetal but their poor armor is their weak point

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

Tolkien wrote that the dwarves do not ride animals or raise animals of any kind

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

it may be that the error of uruk hai has more to do with the point of appearance of the unit on the battle map, than with the unit itself.
(Google translator)

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

yes, also when the campaign ends and the war of the 2 towers begins, the uruk hai fight when they defend, but not always.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

from what I have seen the problem, only with the uruk hai recruited in insegand already, that when, you fight with the hunters, of the ring there is uruk hai on the enemy side, and these if they go into combat

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

Most of the soldiers, garrison are level 1

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

Why are city defenders so low-level? This makes attacking very easy, since a small group can kill a large number of defenders.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ Muslim Conquest 635 AD

I recommend you, place, more dedication in, the faces of the units, since having good, armor but, not having a good base, where to place them, you can ruin the mod.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

for me, the side of evil is more powerful because, if the player does not intervene, Gondor is eliminated, easily the same, with Rohan. Since having many cities, they can not protect them, and only one that loses, loses too many points.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

Well, at least you could increase the points of the orcs' lives a bit, since they die very easily, and besides their equipment, it's bad, what they do is make the fight against the orcs, very easy, that I consider the campaign very easy, since it only took me, 350 days, in the game to finish it, with the maximum difficulty, and without using tricks

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

is that I would like, that orcs are more similar, like in the game, shadows of war, where there are archers, but also throwers, javelins, since the orcs are stronger than humans, have more potential, if they throw javelins , but if they do not have much force, it is better to use bows, as in the case of goblins.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

How are battles resolved where the player does not participate?
since if the player does not participate, the battle ends up being one, massacre for both sides, but if the player participates, one side kills the other without the player doing something.
for example, 200 dwarves against 400 orcs, without the player participating, the orcs win, with great losses, but if the player participates, the dwarves win with minimal losses.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

the arches are much, more difficult to make the swords and, that the most minimal deformation in the wood, will make the arc, break at the time of, tenzarlo, so in our history, the archers were few but, they had better salary than units, heavy infantry.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

the dwarf ax throwers, can be in, the first level of, the branch of the crossbowmen, that they do not take shield, but they can throw, about 9 axes,

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

they should place, an ax-throwing unit, dwarf in the branch of, the crossbowmen, since this unit does exist, in the world of the middle earth.

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

there should be, javelin throwers, and orc stone throwers, since I believe that the orcs did not have the skills, to make bows and much, less arrows

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giovanio - - 69 comments @ TLD Overhaul

they should make all the parties, mainly the orcs, have fewer units, mounted and much more infantry, with rohan's exception.
you should increase the strength, and life points of the orcs, since, usually an orc, is stronger and more resistant than a human.

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