Chat with me, play multiplayer games with me, I'm fine with hanging out with literally anyone on here. Add me on Steam, too, while you're at it <3

RSS My Blogs

Hello again

Yo_Momma Blog

It's Saturday again and that means I'm gonna post another blog! I just want this to be a quick update, mentioning that I've now accumulated a decently sized library of games on here and that I'm open to play any of them with anyone.
Just message me and we can play away to our hearts' content <3

(I just tried to post that and recieved a notification expressing that the content field must be at least 300 characters in length, so ignore the following)


Yay, indie games

Yo_Momma Blog

Hey there, first things first - my name is Tem and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Now, down to business, I set up my Desura account today because let's be perfectly honest, it's a pretty damn good platform and the prices are great; I then realised that there's this blog section and things really started getting going, I'm setting up a YouTube channel soon and would appreciate feedback on that (I'll add a link to it up there on my profile) and I figure this blog is a great way to interact with people and generally rant when I'm feeling it.
The blog may not always be about gaming, in fact, it will probably rarely be about gaming in the slightest.
I have no idea where I'm going from here so I guess this'll be goodbye for now.

-Love from Tem