I am 14 years old, Still in School ('-'). I love playing strategy games like RTWII, MTWII, RTW, RTWBI, ETW (Also Napoleonic Expansion) and RTWIIA. Basically everything that has to do with the native Rome Total War.

RSS Reviews

Chivalry Total War

Mod review

It was quite great even though I couldn't build my religious buildings (Christian) in Islamic cities.


Ogniem i Mieczem (With Fire And Sword)

Mod review

It's not mod-foldered, which completely destroys the chance to play other Mods. So it's off 5 points for that. The other 5 points go for graphics, historical and AI performance.
I didn't score it for the Russian language (I think it's Russian) because it could be tolerated based on how much you know the buttons you are pressing.


Ancient Empires Elysium

Mod review

Unstable, Too many Bugs, Not mod-foldered which caused me to reinstall my entire game.
This shouldn't even be released, FAILURE COMPLETE FAILURE!
The 2 points only go to the Graphics!


Viking Invasion II

Mod review

It's a very great mod! It really reminds me of the Viking series with Northumbria or Wessex. It's really Great!