Aka Duke64Nukem. I like to map and mod for Duke 3D, Blood, Doom, and Turok. I like a lot of fps classics. I also like to mod and hack N64 classic games for console.

RSS Reviews

Brutal Doom 64

Mod review

Can't stop playing. Hooked. Long time Doom 64 fan here. Sometimes I am just looking around in awe at the subtle yet stunning upgrades made into this game. Playing on the survival co op server is awesome and something I think I will be doing for a long time to come.

The Spectre's and Nightmare Imps are amazing how they are. Now we know somethings are being changed, nerfed, and of course fixed but overall this mod released very clean and smooth. I really like the subtle changes actually. This game offered a hole lot originally. And things like new lighting, sprite anims for weapons, and monsters mixed with head scans and brutal blood is just fitting the atmosphere for me. The shotguns reloading with hands is my favorite part.

Now I have Doom 64 N64, Doom 64 EX, and last but not least Brutal Doom 64. I think I'm set! xD


Duke Nukem: Attrition

Mod review

Bad *** mod, I like that it doesn't alternate Duke to much except for the features this has been one of my favorite mods for awhile. I really enjoy the fast paced action and upgrading! The new features make it very eye popping. The new kicking ability is always great I love to shoot the shotgun and slide forward while kicking since I already shoot+kick as a habit.


Duke Nukem 64 Mod

Mod review

Duke Nukem 64 is essentially the same game we all know and love in Duke 3D. But in this port Duke has more of a “Come get some” attitude, less about sex and more of the hardcore *** kicking hero that saves our babes. Not to mention some of the weapons Duke is strapped with have been upgraded/replaced. A plasma cannon that surprisingly makes up for not being a freezer is one scary weapon, another is the grenade launcher that is very similar to the grenade launcher seen in Shadow Warrior. There is also some alternative ammunition’s such as dum dum bullets for the pistol, explosive shotgun shells for the shotgun, and heat seeking missles for your newly looking Missle launcher. Don’t even make me mention how you can save the babes now instead of having to kill them you save them and there is a counter for the number of babes you saved after each level.

See the full review here : Duke64nukem.com


Blood Weapon Mod

Mod review