I am an indie developer with a passion for evolution simulators, sandbox games and god games. I am currently working on an evolution simulator called Gridworld. My dream is to create an evolution simulator where 3d creatures evolve and struggle for survival in an artificial eco system.

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Gridworld has been released on steam!

DopplerFrog Blog

I finally released Gridworld on Steam yesterday. The overall response seems mostly positive so far, which is really nice.

Working on Gridworld has been really fun and I learned a lot, both about about programming and about evolution. I will still make updates from time to time, especially if some bugs are discovered that need to be fixed.

atleast one bigger update is planned to implement the last few features I wish to add.

Now that gridworld is done, I will focus my energy on new projects. One of those is another evolution simulator, except this one will be in 3d with physics. It will be somewhat be similar to Karl Sims's Evolved Virtual Creatures.

update on gridworld

DopplerFrog Blog 2 comments

I have not made an update for a long time, so I figured why not making an update now. I am currently working and finishing up Gridworld v1.05. this version will have a few interesting new features such as

- forced symmetry (optional). for symmetric creatures

- shared energy (optional experimental setting)

- pheromones (includes pheromone sensor en pheromone emitter neuron)

Besides that I made some visual improvements to the UI and increased render performance a bit.

I am also pleased to say that Gridworld has been greenlit for steam. Once I finish v1.05,It will be avaible on Steam.

Release Gridworld delayed

DopplerFrog Blog

Hello everyone, I am sorry to say that I didn't make the deadline to finish Gridworld at the end of march. Some of the coding was more then I anticipated plus I didn't get as much opportunities to code as I would have liked.
I moved the release date by a month to the end of April. I am sure I will finish it before that time.
Almost all the content that I want to add has been added.
whats left for now is:
- adding option to change resolution
- changing one page of the UI
- checking everything for bugs/errors/mistakes/spelling etc..
- some minor tweaks here and there
- actually converting the code to a working executable
- try to port if for mac

Progress on Gridworld

DopplerFrog Blog

Hello Everyone, I just thought I would give a small update on the progress I made.
I have been mainly working on bug fixing and the ''result menu'' which allows you to export the current of the simulation over a period of time. Its working out nice so far. Seeing creatures evolve is fun and interesting, but seeing graphs of what is actually happening is also very nice. I have also added some sound effects (can be turned off if you like) that plays sound when certain events happen such as an increase in fitness in the population. fitness in this case is measured by statistics such as average lifetime, traveled distance or number of offspring. You can also export these fitness statistics so that you can see the results yourself. After I finish the result menu there are only a few tasks left to be done :).