amma Bri'ish chap with a penchant for ripping and tearing

Comment History
Private_Cole - - 6 comments @ DE enemies for EOA

Me: Hmm, why haven't ID brought back unlockable classic maps for Doom Eternal?

Doom Eternal monster pack for retro Doom: Hold my front-armoured pinkies, prowlers, and fast barons in dark narrow hallways

This just makes retro Doom absurdly difficult

Old Doom levels just weren't made with these monsters in mind

And no having all the Slayer's abilities from Eternal doesn't completely balance this out, this is an issue of not being able to move around freely enough to dodge enemy attacks

Edit: I tried playing a remake of the first level of Doom Eternal with this monster pack, and that still didn't make the monsters any easier to manage

Maybe this is the engine more that it is the maps or the monsters

If you tried to recreate Doom II in the Wolfenstein engine it wouldn't be the same, that's what it feels like trying to play Eternal in classic Doom

Good karma+1 vote
Private_Cole - - 6 comments @ Dead Ascension 0.4.8 Alpha

At first I was like "Wow, 3D models and an unscuffed rune system", but compared to EOA (Embers Of Armageddon) Eternal, it's just a janky mess

Glory kills are more scuffed than ever, I tried to glory kill a pinky in front of some barrels just for the barrels to explode and sap all 3 of my extra lives, this only stopped happening when I death from above'd the bastard

Also, movement is slower and you don't have as much mid-air control, at least until ya get the rune for it

I'd love to be kept updated on weather this mod gets any improvements, but I'll just stick to EOA until then

Oh yeah, also it randomly stopped working all together, whenever I load into a map with it I get this ******' "invalid instruction" popup

Good karma+1 vote
Private_Cole - - 6 comments @ Brutal Doom

While this is one of my favourite mods, I gotta say the way it does berserk packs is kinda crap

I prefer Black Edition's berserk packs which work more like the ones from DOOM 2016, or even the ones in Power Fantasy (Not the green ones, they don't allow fatalities) where there's also sometimes a blast of BFG plasma around you

But for as controversial as Sgt. Mark IV is, this is a masterstroke in taking an already amazing game and improving it in almost every way, and there's no denying that

Good karma+1 vote
Private_Cole - - 6 comments @ Works on Brutal Doom v22 begins, and first dev diary is released

I hope they put the Black Edition glory kill system in without us having to add it

Maybe make it a setting that you can switch on/off?

Good karma+2 votes
Private_Cole - - 6 comments @ Doom KILLABLE Isabelle mod

Why would I want to kill Isabelle?

Good karma0 votes
Private_Cole - - 6 comments @ Works on Brutal Doom v22 begins, and first dev diary is released

I hope they bring back all the Doomguy voice lines in V22, even if they're off by default and I have to turn them on

Good karma+2 votes