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Comment History
DarkLadyLumiya - - 3 comments @ Download - TIW - Ultimate | Pre-Release - Part 1

The install here doesn't work because the papal coronation issue everyone else mentions here, and the Total War Center install can't work because all the google drive links are 404 errors now (except the music weirdly) so this mod apparently just can't be installed now. A real shame, I liked it a lot for what it was even if it was unfinished.

EDIT: The mod has been updated, but only on Total War Center - you have to go to the subpage for Italian Wars Mod and scroll down a bit if you want actual working links

Good karma+2 votes
DarkLadyLumiya - - 3 comments @ Republic at War

Were the GC's ever multiplayer...? However, to answer your question, no these GC's should not be multiplayer compatible. Feel free to prove me wrong, if you can, though

Good karma+1 vote
DarkLadyLumiya - - 3 comments @ What Planets would You like to see?

Hm... Taris (either pre- or post- KotOR), Dathomir (for those Force Witches and their Rancors), Alderaan (maybe the Battle of Alderaan from TOR), Bespin (either Cloud City or something like the Platforms map from the first Battlefront), Boz Pity (gotta love those graveyard worlds), Bothawui (maybe a Bothan city, with some mountains and plans surrounding?), Raxus Prime (the garbage planet), Rhen Var (for the Sith tombs and cold weather), Brentaal IV (lava), Sullust (more lava), Christophsis (interesting environment), Dagobah (swamps), Dantooine (plains, maybe with the old Jedi Enclave as well),Felucia (the weird plants), Gamorr (Vietnam-style jungles), Honoghr (basically a post-apocalyptic planet. Throw in some old Clone Wars-era ship husks), Duro (for a wasteland; just a large open battlefield), Ithor (rain forests), Kessel (it's an asteroid; nothing else said), Korriban (Sith tombs, but desert), Mandalore (no city, just some jungle and deserts with some sea along the side), Mimban (big city battle; the planet from the first season of the Star Wars: Clone Wars 2D show), Mon Calamari (Calamari, Dac; big water battlefield?), Mustafar (even more lava), Nal Hutta (swamps, with hutt palaces), Nar Shaddaa (Coruscant, but seedier), Onderon (large city with large walls, with the entire outside a jungle), Dxun (jungle, dangerous beasts, Mandalorian outpost, Sith tomb), Rakata Prime (tropic islands), Ryloth (deserts, with some cave systems, maybe some mountains too), Utapau (sinkholes). That's all I've got. Sorry for being so long, I've got a bit too much memorized

Good karma+1 vote