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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

im having trouble. the game freezes my PC at about halfway through day 132. it doesnt matter what im doing, it always does it. i cant even close the game. i have to force my PC to shut down. i modified some of the files for population cap and credits. is there a possibility that having to many ships could be causing the freeze?

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

can you recommend a free .rar extractor? preferably one in the windows store? i was using 7zip, but now it keeps reading an "unknown error" when i try to extract....

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

you could eliminate the problem entirely by changing the income on a few planets to 30000 :), then you wouldnt even need mining stations and such.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

what i said was actually a compliment... these mod devs have every right to be a little passive aggressive after answering the same questions a few hundred times each

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

by default, the maximum you can set it to without causing problems is 30000 per planet.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

i know you said you dont want to give a date, but could you give a roundabout date, such as maybe the expected month, or even a run of months it could release so we know when to come back to look for it?

Good karma+3 votes
cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

dark troopers cant be built right now.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

thanks for the reply. i was actually hoping it would be like that. keep up the awesome work :)

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

you guys have said that you are going to disable ground in the next version. what will that mean for GC? will we be forced to auto complete any ground battles or will it be gone entirely? nothing but space combat. not that im complaining. i prefer space combat. im just curious.

Good karma+3 votes
cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

i was just scrolling in projectiles.xml and lol, some of the names in there for projectiles. project boom boom cannon, project big boom boom cannon, project bigger boom boom cannon. lol. you guys are hilarious :P

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

sweet :), thanks for the reply. keep up the good work on this awesome mod. im looking forward to the upcoming content :D

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

is it relatively easy to change a ships turbolaser color? i kinda wanted to alter the ISD 2 to have blue turbolasers like the Venator. :)

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

you can also counter them quite well with tie interceptors and tie defenders.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

scroll up from here to the file that is labeled as latest release. click that, follow the install instructions on that page. its very well laid out and easy to follow. just make sure you dont make grammar mistakes when setting it up. i made the mistake of naming the folder you have to make "mods" instead of "Mods". one capitalization mistake caused the mod to not load up with the modpath on steam. you are also gonna need to extract the file, so grab a program that can extract .rar files ahead of time.

anyway, with all that, you are ready to install :). have a good time and keep in mind to have your mining stations built on planets that are absolutely not going to be attacked. there is a somewhat random bug that not everyone is experiencing causing a game crash when a world with a player owned mining station is attacked. auto resolve if it happens anyway.

if you wanna not have to worry about it, i replied to someone else asking about modifying files the other day with a step by step instruction of how to get around even needing mining stations.

Good karma+2 votes
cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

ive been digging and digging in the files and ive just figured out how to alter the starting credit amount for skirmish. unfortunately, it doesnt specify rebels or empire, so i assume it will change it for both.

open data folder, XML, gameconstants with notepad. scroll almost all the way to the bottom of the document and change the number in this line of text <Max_Skirmish_Credits>50000</Max_Skirmish_Credits> i havent messed with it just yet, so i dont know if it has a maximum amount you can set it to before it bugs out, so just be careful.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

your passive aggressiveness is hilarious :)

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

its actually pretty easy on both counts. for the credits: go into the data folder, open XML, scroll to Planets. open Planets with Notepad and scroll to the planets you want to alter. change this line of text <Planet_Credit_Value>250</Planet_Credit_Value> alter the number to whatever you want as long as the number is under 300000. 300000 is the limit, if you go over it, the game bugs out and puts your income into the negative. you can change this, but it requires editing the (i believe) the game constants file.

also, you can have multiple planets with 300000 credit value. the limit is per planet, not total.

for the population cap, go into the data folder, XML, open Factions with notepad. scroll to your preferred faction (i believe rebel faction is listed first) and change this line of text <Space_Tactical_Unit_Cap>100</Space_Tactical_Unit_Cap> change the number to 99999999999999, this will unlock the ability to have more units in battle.

to increase overall population cap, go into the data folder, XML, open Planets with notepad. scroll to your preferred planet and change this line of text <Additional_Population_Capacity>5</Additional_Population_Capacity> change the number, but do not exceed 80000 per planet or it will bug out and put your population in the negative causing you to not be able to build units anymore.

unfortunately, i havent quite figured out how to alter income in skirmish yet, but, this will help you in galactic conquest.

the first population cap increase i listed works for skirmish too.

Enjoy :)

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

that explains why i havent seen this crash bug. i dont build mining stations lol. i alter game files to make planets produce more credits so i dont have to build the stations, which can be a work around for this bug.

if you want to use this work around. go into the data folder, open XML, scroll to Planets. open Planets with Notepad and scroll to the planets you want to alter. change this line of text <Planet_Credit_Value>250</Planet_Credit_Value> alter the number to whatever you want as long as the number is under 300000. 300000 is the limit, if you go over it, the game bugs out and puts your income into the negative. you can change this, but it requires editing the (i believe) the game constants file.

also, you can have multiple planets with 300000 credit value. the limit is per planet, not total

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

they will never use steam again. they have said this so many times that i doubt they will respond to your comment. as for your firewall, you can just whitelist this website in the settings.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

dont save in combat, dont save while paused. the type of pause that lets you still look around the galaxy map.

always make a new save and save often.

the save issue is in the source code and CANT be fixed by the modders since modders cant access the source code. if you are on the old disc version, you are completely out of luck. the source code for that version was lost years ago and the developers cant even patch it. it was, sort of, fixed on the steam version of the game, but you still need to make a new save every time you save, just to be safe.

as for the crash, my game freezes sometimes if to many units are moving around at the same time (i assume). i dont get crashes to desktop. mine just freezes the game and i have to force my PC to restart to get out of the screen..... you just have to be careful, its a big mod and its a little unstable.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

why should i calm down? this mod is amazing and the creators dont deserve to have to read the garbage that is falling out of this entitled prick's mouth...

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

install instructions are clear as day in the description. just go to the files list above the comments section and click on the one labeled as the latest release. install instructions are in there.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

you can edit the population cap in the factions.xml file in the data folder. open the data folder, open XML, then scroll to Factions. open with notepad. scroll down to the empire faction and change this line of text <Space_Tactical_Unit_Cap>100</Space_Tactical_Unit_Cap>
just change the 100 to whatever number you want. i usually just go with 99999999999999999999 lol
Edit: forgot to mention, it affects galactic conquest too :)

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

if only there was a way to ban you from downloading the mod.... you dont deserve it, you entitled little prick....

Good karma+2 votes
cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

entitled people like you are why there was so much backlash a few years ago towards console players in the modding community. this mod is a work in progress. the creator isnt getting paid and they are still able to make this beautiful mod. many of the crashes and other issues are vanilla issues that cant be fixed due to modders not being able to access the source code for the game. if you dont like this mod, move on. i hope your PC bluescreens.....

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

oh well.... thats probably to complex for me to handle. ill just put up with it...

thank you for the reply.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

im not asking you to change the mod for me, but i am begging you to please tell me how to remove the huge smoke clouds from exploding ships. im getting massive FPS drops when ships explode. is it as simple as deleting a line of text or a file? which one? i was poking around in the files and found smoke files in the art folder. do i need to delete that? i didnt want to do anything without guidance though. i dont want to have to re-download the mod and lose all my save progress on my GC games if i screw something up.

ive already done most of the other stuff for improving performance, like adjusting the game speeds and deleting the P_planet atmos files. if theres anything else you can think of to improve performance, im open to suggestions. i love this mod and very much enjoy playing it.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

never mind...... google showed me the wrong ship...... the eye of palpatine is not a stupidly large ship.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

i just looked at a size comparison of that ship to the Eclipse and it makes it look small..... that ship would cover the entire map and then some... so no, i highly doubt it will be added.

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cjmx21 - - 91 comments @ Empire At War Remake: Galactic Civil War

your suggestion of saving on day 161 worked. i am now on day 194. i had just saved and about 30 seconds later, the game locked up my computer again lol. here we freakin go again.

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