About Carpe Noctem Coding Carpe Noctem Coding, LLC is a small family owned business that developes software such as video games and apps. Carpe Noctem Coding was founded April 2015 in Keene, New Hampshire and is currently managed by Brad and Tina Towle. We are an up-and-coming indie game company that will eventually expand to include other areas of software development

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UI coming together.

CarpeNoctemCoding Blog

I have made several tweaks and fixes to the game so far this week. My main accomplishment has been to create a pause menu and the xp/gold display.

Here is the corner UI now. I was unable to use the "score" image because it was just too small.


I also got the pause menu working. This menu will show more details that the player doesn't need to constantly know. (I will still have to re-work this one)


I probably will not have xp or level in this menu. I also have dungeon entrances and teleports working.


Got dynamic maze generation integrated in the game.

CarpeNoctemCoding Blog

This week we got the dynamic maze generation and integrated it into the game.

We have also started roughing out a crude version of the overworld in order to test different functionality.

I imagine significant changes will be made, but it is coming together. slowly.


More to come!


Update for Rolo Polo - Roland's Quest

CarpeNoctemCoding Blog


We are making great progress for the game mechanics for Rolo Polo - Roland's Quest.

A couple of new features:

1. The level system will now affect damage taken and received. This was a radical shift from the original idea of the game's meta where damage was based solely on items. We are not sure if this meta will translate well into a multiplayer scenario.

2. Currently keyboard and game pad will be supported. More work needs to be done regarding the mobile input.

3. Things left to do -

a. I want to create a dynamic dungeon creator, I have the algorithm but I must port it to the new platform.

b. I have the base monster working correctly, with the use of inheritance I should be able to create the remaining monsters fairly quickly. (Some minor code will have to be written for monsters that shoot).

c. I want to start adding sound and music to the game, I will probably be hosting different surveys for feedback and what people think is good.

d. I will have to generate some graphics to handle the story line elements in the game.

e. I hope to have a video up within two weeks of early game play.

f. UI needs a little TLC

So far I am very happy with how this game is turning out, howbeit a different game then the initial vision.


Rolo Polo - Rolands Quest

CarpeNoctemCoding Blog

Hi all,

We are back from our hiatus from moving and resuming work on Rolo Polo. A few things we learned along the way. The infrastructure for creating a WAN (Wide Area Networking) game was much more involved then first thought. Also our gaming engine (Unity) underwent some major changes.

With these two factors as play we are moving our first project to a single player, dynamically generated single player game in the setting of Rolo Polo. This first game will feature Roland on a quest to find his old friend the mage Rolo. (More on the story to come).

Current Objectives

- Create world tiling tool for Unity (that will allow nav-meshes)

- Create world creator scripts to dynamically generate the worlds. (I have done proof of concepts already so I know I can do this)

- Finalize game meta and collectibles

A couple of major change! 360 control. (assuming you have a game controller)

Also level systems will now have some impact on damage done. (Still working out the balancing system for that.)

Thank you for your patience and please keep an eye out for concept art and other goodies.


Carpe Noctem Coding

Please give Rolo Polo A chance!

CarpeNoctemCoding Blog

Hey all,

I just want to say please give Rolo Polo a chance. I have posted a new article Moddb.com

This has the change logs showing the progress of the game. Hopefully I will have one or two movies up soon.

Again if you want to give the game a shot please create an account and download it here:


Thanks again,

Dr. Towle

New Video Uplaoded.

CarpeNoctemCoding Blog

WE have a new video uploaded come check it out! WE really want people to try out our game. We made a simple movie demonstrating the basic components of Rolo Polo. You can find the movie here:

Again if you are interested in playing the game you can register and account and download the alpha release here:


We hope you, your friends and family enjoy this quirky, cute, but highly competitive game.

Dr. Towle

Rolo Polo Alpha is up and ready for testing!

CarpeNoctemCoding Blog

Hello all, and happy new year!

We at Carpe Noctem Coding have been developing a little game for the last year and it is finally in a alpha stage and we want the general public's feedback as to what they think.

Our objective was to create a game that would be fun for friends and FAMILIES to play together yet still allow competition. The result was a quirky retro style moba game - “Rolo Polo”.

Enjoy the nostalgia of retro games from the 80's and 90's? Enjoy playing team-based games with your friends and family? Well, then we have a game for you! Rolo Polo! In Rolo Polo, explore maps to defeat bosses and find powerful items to destroy your enemy's base. Don't forget to guard your base in the heat of battle, or your enemy will destroy you.

Rolo Polo is a Free-to-Play game! Rolo Polo combines the adventure qualities from Mario Bros. with the competitive MOBA-style gameplay of League of Legends. MOBA games have the tendency to be toxic, but Rolo Polo will be a clean, family friendly MOBA.

You can download and play the alpha release here for free:


We also have a simple movie up but screen shots and more detailed movies to come.
