I am a electronic music producer and 2D/3D artist, who has made content for games like: Half-Life, Team Fortress 2, Killing Floor, Minecraft and more! I have gone to school for and know a great deal about Adobe Photoshop, and the Adobe suite of programs. I hold and a web design certification or three. I have owned and operated a large (10,000 memeber) Minecraft community, and have created a custom server, texture pack, and plugins for it. Game Softwares and Engines I am current and familiar with are: Hammer Editor(source), Unreal(UDK), Crytek, and more... I currently produce music part time, and recently I have created original mods and content for multiple games including: POKEMON 3D, State Of Decay, Starbound, Skyrim, and more...

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GameMode - Red & Blue 2015 | Pokémon 3D


Hello everyone,
About four weeks ago, I began work on a GameMode consisting of a highly accurate recreation of the full games of Red and Blue in their entirety.

I had been turned on to Pokemon 3D by some torrent one of my roommates found recently, and then we all began playing the current default game mode that is Silver and Gold. My initial intention was to play Red and Blue in this this 3D world, as I have been almost completely out of the loop of Pokemon games since then, save it for Diamond and Pearl.

At this point in time the GameMode, as far as maps and scripts are concerned, is mostly complete up to Mt.Moon, and I have recently began the lengthy work of recreating the map files for it from scratch. Using the amazing Kanto files supplied by the default game itself, has proved making this task quite a bit easier.
After a weeks worth of almost constant work, I was thinking I should share my WIP with you all.

Pallet Town and all of the scripts involved in recreating it exactly as is in Red and Blue is complete, save for some turn code bugs and minor script holes... Viridian is in a complete playable state. The 1st Gym, all story line scripts and trainers are done up until Mt.Moon.

After all the work done so far, It REALLY is like existing in a 3D version of Red and Blue. It's quite fun playing Red and Blue in 3D on a LAN with my roommates even in its young state.

I would post the GameMode files in their current state for preview/testing here, but I am not sure if I am "allowed".
I came to to let the community know I was working on this, and would like to know if anyone thinks this is a good idea to keep up with this project overall.
I was also wondering if this project would be valued and welcomed by the community as a GameMode.

I have many more concepts I have been wanting to work into this game mode, but have been running into some roadblocks concerning how the launcher handles game-modes. Any future support from the community with this would be appreciated. I'd like to thank everyone who has contributed to the community thus far, vicariously aiding in my research into how the game and files work.

Killing Floor Crematorium v2.0 (final)


I have finally got around to uploading the "finished" version of this map.

It might not be the best, and most attractive, but It was quite an undertaking, for one person, without a static mesh designer. The map includes some of my personal artowork, on the walls, you will know what I mean, if you play it. That artwork can be seen here: Boyoftheenders.deviantart.com
It does resemble a world war 2 concentration camp Crematorium, reguardless of what some people might say. Learning from mistakes, and moving on to new projects, is all one can expect, from a single, self-taught designer.
Please enjoy my final release of the Crematorium project, I started, as an entry to the Killing Floor Grindhouse mapping contest.
Those who did win a prize and finally, win the contest, did a stellar job, go check my map, and others entry's!

I am now a Community Moderator for DICE's free-to-play project, Battlefield Heroes!
So if you want to know what I'm doing now, come find me at
Moving on...

Any comments regarding my KF-map, can be left under the file iteslf.
Thanks, and enjoy!