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New Stuff

BoredGunman Blog

I have new songs on my page at youtube. Feel free to check them out.

They are

Toxic Napkins - based off of Frank Zappa's Pink Napkins
(Loop Track) Jam Idea #1 - Lame name, but something I came up with one night.


Post what you think, if you have a youtube account subscribe if you like what you hear

New Song

BoredGunman Blog

I have a new song freshly recorded. I call it Midnight Dreams. Me and a friend plan on turning it into an actual song. Its not all that great but has a cool sound and feel to it. Reminds me of waking up in the morning after a good sleep.


well, thats it. If you'd like, visit my page on youtube to see a few videos I've made.

Post what you think. Youtube doesnt really allow me to promote my videos, so instead I promote here where I get way more views. Enjoy.