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F.E.A.R: Rivarez Mod

Mod review

overall, keeping all of the decals, debris, ragdolls, etc. adds more to an aftermath of killing a Replica squad. I just hope that there is a way for the ragdolls to stay forever. Along with the decals, debris, shell casings, and other smaller things when you reload a save.


Half-Life 2 : MMod

Mod review

Hot Take: Play this for your first-time playthrough. Vanilla HL2 combat sucks *** due to everyone firing hitscanning weapons, so combat is literally line of sight based. Playing with MMod will make a better, more immersive experience.

For new things to add for v2 of MMod, some cool things to see like:

1.) Improved ragdoll physics
(IE; ragdolls that don't just slump to the floor, something similar to SMod's satasfting ragdolls, give ragdolls the ability to collide with physics objects, map geometry, and maybe each other.)

2.) Some Improvements for Blood Decals
(Corpses when shot will have blood decals under or behind the corpse, with a blood particle coming out after, but lack the bullet holes in their chests. Another could be blood spurting out of wounds after NPCs die. Gradually forming blood pools if the specific weapon pierces through the NPC, like shotguns via close range creating larger blood pools, while the revolver would create a smaller blood pool. Another thing for blood decals could be the way they look, based on the gun's ammo type, like shotguns having small holes, or large depending on how far the NPC was shot from, black burning bullet holes from the AR2, etc.)

3.) Gore and Bloody Overlays
(Some basic dismemberment for Ally or Enemy NPCs, where gore variations will be activated from explosions or shotgun blasts. Giving bloodied overlays could show power for guns like the shotgun or revolver, where blood splatter will cover the HUD for a second, then have it disappear.)

4.) Reverting to two-handing the 9mm Pistol
(It made sense for Gordon to use two hands, as he could control the recoil more, and it looked less dumb than being the 9mm one-handed.)


Brutal Doom

Mod review

Fun, powerful, and BRUTAL. These 3 words are what summarizes Brutal Doom in a nutshell. The weapon sounds fell deep and powerful, with the demons having brutal gore variations. You can smash, rip, or tear your enemies when you eliminate the demons in your path. You can shred zombemen and imps with the Mini- Gun, eviscerate them with the chainsaw, and blast them with the shotgun. You can rescue marines saved for future rituals, and flip off enemies if those demon bastards killed the mate(s) you saved.


Blood Angels mod: By the Blood of Sanguinius!

Mod review

This mod is awesome, and has awesome units to boot. The models and animation are great, with epic voices for some Units, but complete and utter trash for others. I'm happy that those 10 years of work was with it, but the voice acting needs improvement. I would suggest the Servitor voice be improvement(or simply keep the old Servitor Voice), Captain Tycho, and certain other Units.