SAGE/Code Maker/Visual Effect Designer. Well i'm not an expert modder, but i do what i can to make the Mods look absolute perfect.

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The Remaster Mod - Still In Development

DarkStalker980 Blog

The Command & Conquer Alternate Universe is bringing you to a different story of the Six Faction.

This is where it all started. Nearly the end of war between Allied, Soviet & Japan, they discover the fallen debris from the sky it appear to be something different from what they see. (It will be more story to it after the fully released of the mod itself.)

Starting with Special Campaign for Allied, Soviet, Japan, GDI, NOD & Scrin. (For those who wandering an extra faction like ZOCOM, Steel Talon, Black Hand, MarkedOfKane, Reaper-17 & Traveler-59 from the Kane's Wrath.But do not worry soon it will be a seperate faction and you can choose a different type of faction like Allied or NOD.)

New Skirmish & Multiplayer Maps from Tiberium Wars and Original Story Campaign Of GDI, NOD & Scrin including with Smart AI, but it still in progressing the data for it to be completed & without further a due we still have the M.A.R.V, Redeemer & Eradicator Hexapod that i need to be done with.(Still for the Red Alert 2 Faction/Units/Maps it will be a DLC or Expansion Pack.If i can make it work on Red Alert 3)

Well that's is all for today, Good luck & Enjoy.