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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 49)
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ 🌺[1.5.2][DLTX] Best Artifact Mod v26 + Custom Stashes🌺

Is this compatible with GAM.. just kidding :P

Thanks for the mod, that green and orange one that tie into each other looks cool

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Gunslinger Gauss Rifle Reanimation

Oh lol the video reminded me the Gauss can jam lmao.

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Arisaka Asnen DJ Sounds

Good question. I did a search on some random site but non of the fonts are a perfect match:

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Dynamic & Ambient Music Overhaul (Update 4)

Not bad, some pretty good stuff you've got there.

There's also some good ones on the lists of songs used in dead air and misery. Cherry pick some from there if you're looking to add to this mod ;)

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ [1.5.2][DLTX] Smaller Bushes


Also, use a medkit!

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ HBAO

Not related but are you using a grass texture in your game?

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Higher Rank NPC Headlight Disabled

Your comment just gave me the idea that there should be an artifact that gives night vision

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Field workshop v3.2

That was me but Don't know how to delete the comment lol

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Field workshop v3.2

Just an FYI that somehow this mod is not compatible with "UTJAN'S ITEM UI IMPROVEMENTS" released a few months ago. When removing weapon parts, it creates copies rather than actually remove them.

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ (Alpha v.04.2.1) 2D Scope Overhaul - DLTX - DX8/9/10/11

Unfortunate it will take lots of work.
Yeah that would be great to have the choice! Nice mod

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ (Alpha v.04.2.1) 2D Scope Overhaul - DLTX - DX8/9/10/11

I would love one like that! Would it be complicated to do or is there some single opacity value somewhere that can be edited?

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ psi storm time reduced

Did you use it for a while and find anything wrong with it? Weird it has a low score but no one commenting why.

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Field workshop v3.2

Ah yes, that is a good idea not to bloat a mod and cause compatibility problems. That means unifying the whole system into a single window which I was going to request (UX/UI is not part of my skill-set) ought to be a standalone mod. Right now the order goes:

open workshop -> take out parts of weapon/outfit -> close workshop -> open inventory -> use repair tool on part -> close inventory -> open workshop -> reinsert part into weapon/outfit

Incompatibilities abound touching those menus, especially with 1.6 on the way which could also change stuff there (which I am actually hoping for).

Anyway, this mod saved the the whole repair system for me and made it something enjoyable, thanks!

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Monster World

"Written using TypeScript that is converted to LUA"

That sounds really cool. What is your setup to do that and mod anomaly?

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Extended Task Info v1.3

Great thanks. I no longer have that save. But I will enable the old version of your mod until I experience the crash again, then enable the new version and see if it is fixed.

It is a very rare crash, so I don't know how long it will take. Could be days.

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Interactive PDA 1.64

Edit: My error (which was identical to yours) had eventually occurred again in a new game which never had this mod active. It appears in my case the problem was caused when dying in azazel mode (only on the 11th time). As for why it would happen in story mode in your case I do not know. The only fix for me was to reload the save before dying when the bug occurred.

Interestingly, I died without any tasks active when this bug occurred.

Anyway. The bug you are describing was identical to mine and in my case it was not caused by this mod.

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Keep Crafting Windows Opened (UPDATE 12)

I did a quick debug test starting an emission in wild territory. Game didn't crash. Don't know if npcs got turned into zombies though, I couldn't find any despite that some freedom guys were out in the open and maybe should have died. But at least it doesn't crash from this one test.

Update; Been playing a while and still no crashes. But it does seem to stop emission from converting stalkers to zombies.

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Field workshop v3.2

Could we have an option to remove the requirement for a toolkit to craft things?

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Lower Weapon Sprint Optimized

Just FYI if you disable the 3D PDA there's a bug which can be replicated with some guns thus:

Have gun out -> start sprinting -> open pda -> click on pda to move map around -> close pda = gun shoots.

So closing the pda after clicking somewhere on it will cause the actor to fire their weapon upon closing pda.

I think everyone uses 3D pda anyway, but thought I would report this.

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Extended Task Info v1.3

Worked well for a very good long while. I've only experienced my first crash with this mod now when asking for tasks from the ecologist bunker in yantar (playing vanilla warfare + azazel). Here is the crash log. Crash can be replicated if I load the game and ask for tasks again:

* Register UI: Dialog
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] __index
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\z_extended_task_info.script(212) :
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\xr_logic.script(427) : pick_section_from_condlist
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\xr_conditions.script(321) : has_completed_task_prerequisites
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\axr_task_manager.script(877) : generate_available_tasks
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dialogs.script(638) :
! [LUA] ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\z_extended_task_info.script:212: attempt to index local 'tbl' (a nil value)
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\z_extended_task_info.script:212: attempt to index local 'tbl' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 204
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: ...mes/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\z_extended_task_info.script:212: attempt to index local 'tbl' (a nil value)

I should mention that I have made my own mod to the script "tasks_fetch.script" which changes line 442 from:

cnt = math.random( min_count, max_count )


cnt = math.random( 1, 1 )

The file says it does not conflict with anything. But just on the off chance this could somehow be related.

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Dialogue Expanded v4 COMPANION UPDATE [ENGLISH/русский]

I believe it would be from this mode that I get the crash. I am using azazel + warfare.

Giving a document I found in the jupyter underground to the barkeep gave this crash message:

! [LUA] 0 : [C ] __concat
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] c:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dialogs.script(2522) :
! [LUA] c:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dialogs.script:2522: attempt to concatenate local 'npc_name' (a nil value)
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: c:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dialogs.script:2522: attempt to concatenate local 'npc_name' (a nil value)


[error]Expression : <no expression>
[error]Function : CScriptEngine::lua_pcall_failed
[error]File : ..\xrServerEntities\script_engine.cpp
[error]Line : 204
[error]Description : fatal error
[error]Arguments : LUA error: c:/games/anomaly\gamedata\scripts\dialogs.script:2522: attempt to concatenate local 'npc_name' (a nil value)

stack trace:

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Outdoor Ambient Daytime Radiation Rework

Wouldn't radiation be stronger in storms and wind than in clear daytime?

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Slight Azazel Rework

The ammo part is really cool.

where you made the comment:
-- Weapons lists to give the correct ammo type, if used with weapons addon (e.g. BaS) this list needs rework. The're is probably a better way to solve this

I agree. I wish there was a way to iterate over all weapons added by BaS. I really don't want to add each wpn one-by-one and compare which are from the mod etc. That is a killer. If you ever find a way please let me know!
I found some code in item_backpack.script that might be a start:

function is_ammo_for_wpn(sec)
for i=1,3 do
local wpn =
if (wpn) then
local ammos = utils_item.get_ammo(wpn:section(), wpn:id(), true)
if (ammos[sec]) then
return true
return false

Also, need to find how to equip the first outfit and helm on spawn. I added script that would set the condition to 90% for outfit and headgear like it does with weapons, but it points to the slots, which are empty on spawn :(

Good karma+2 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ AutoWalk (v0.2) for ANOMALY 1.5.1 + 1.5.2

What would be the syntax for using right-click and left-click? looks like it is not DIK_MOUSE1 or DIK_MOUSE2

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Lower Weapon Sprint Optimized

Took the words right out of my mouth

Good karma+3 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ [DLTX] Enjoy Cigarettes v1.1.1

It is a good idea. But the thing is, cigarettes are over-powered already. Perhaps do it the other way round; The shorter animation has reduced benefits. It should most probably be an optional feature for people who don't want items or gameplay being edited. I actually stopped using cigarettes in this game because they are too overpowered.

Good karma+7 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Banjaji's Field workshop v3.2

Thank you! Been using this for a while and hasn't caused me errors.

Before this mod I started to dislike the repair system so much I changed repair stuff (like gun glue etc) to be usable even on 0%. I was going to manually change every single gun config file to not jam until condition 10% because it was just too annoying.

With your mod I actually enjoy the repair system! I like stripping things and fixing stuff a lot now. I don't use mechanics to repair stuff, and I no longer have gun oil etc work on 0% condition stuff. I spend a lot of time looting and micromanaging now, which I despised in the old system. Your mod is a miracle, thank you.

Good karma+3 votes
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Interactive PDA 1.64

How can we add items in the pda trade script?

Edit; Silly me I was looking at the wrong file.

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ Interactive PDA 1.64

Great stuff. Tested it with the code change and no errors or scams.

For adding items to the buy list (like from BaS) must I include the guns as well as the parts? or does including the gun also include the parts automatically? I'm not sure where to add the items in the pda trade script.

Did you base this on an existing real-life app? I've never used apps that involve money. It looks like you have experience with UX?

Good karma+1 vote
arcvoodal - - 49 comments @ G.A.M.M.A BaS no PiP patch

Which technique in that video is the pip method?

Good karma+1 vote