I'm just an average gamer that loves RTS. Command and conquer was were it began and it picked up from there. I love art and try as much to draw up concepts for my idea. I'm hoping to see my idea take flight but it's going to take some time. I like talking to like minded people who have a passion for imagination, art, and command and conquer. Drop a line and maybe we can discuss our ideas.

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United States of America Infantry

airborneeightball Blog

United States of America
For the past 18 years the military of the US has been engaged in a brutal conflict ranging from counter insurgency operations to full blown force on force combat. Because of its all volunteer status, the countries’ armed forces rely on tough training and cutting edge technology. Every Soldier, Airman, Sailor, and Marine are experts at what they do. While they bulk of the fighting force took a major hit and is in the process of budget cutbacks; the United States maintains a formidable force capable of engaging and destroying any enemy on land, sea, or air.


Quality not Quantity- The USA has the finest fighting men in the world. The reason behind this is extensive training from day one. A squad of Riflemen, Sappers, Pathfinders, SMAW gunners, Grenadiers, and Rangers are time consuming and costly to train compared to other militaries but they are a force to be reckoned with.

Rolling Thunder- The US Army and Marines have access to a modular and vast array of armored vehicles from the mobile M-ATV to the incredible M1A3 MBT. The US military is constantly improving their designs.

From the Wild Blue Yonder- The US Air Force has in its possession the finest UAVs, Planes of all types, and its trump card: Stealth technology. If the US Air Force is out to get you, there’s not a whole lot you can do about it.


Red Tape- Politicians who are trying to win votes with the American public are very wary about spending money researching new technologies, increasing the ranks of the military, and even manufacture vehicles, weapons, and armor. As a result of bureaucratic nonsense units and buildings take more time to create and in some cases are suspiciously expensive.

Our Strength is our Weakness- A reliance on technology has left the US military vulnerable to EMP attacks. While difficult to utilize, EMP weapons are a very real threat. As a result shielding from these types of attack are slow to implement or non-existent. An EMP strike on a US base will cripple base defense and command and control networks; in some kinds of tech the disabling affect is permanent.


RIFLEMAN- The US Army’s produces the finest infantry the world has ever seen. Armed with the proven M16A5 assault rifle, Protected by light but strong body armor, and bestowed upon them the knowledge of war.

Abilities- digging in- in a few moments a Rifleman squad can create a battle emplacement for their machine guns.

SAPPERS- the Corps of Engineers is as old as the Infantry. In essence they are Infantry but with an added skill set: Demolitions. Armed with an M4A2 carbine and C4 charges, Sappers can demolish bridges and certain buildings along with capturing key ones, they can also detect and destroy IEDs and Land mines.

Abilities- RCP- Engineers will cease combat operations and begin Route Clearance Package operations while mounted or dismounted the Sapper team will look for IEDs or Landmines.
GRENADIER- The Grenadier team is armed with the sophisticated M25 “Smart” Grenade Launcher. These men are lethal at mid range distances and the guidance system package on their weapons ensures that they can kill whatever they literally set their sights on. The unique weapon they possess ensures that they can clear out a building with just a handful of 25mm grenades.

PATHFINDER-Armed with a high powered scoped rifle. The pathfinder is the US Army’s solution to long range problems. They operate in teams of 2 a shooter and a spotter. They can upgrade their optics kit to increase their range of vision and spot for artillery.

SMAW gunner- The modern decedent of the bazooka that appeared on the battlefields of WW II; this weapon has more bite compared to its ancestor. The men who operate this weapon system have turned it into a art form capable of taking on light to heavy armor and then switching to a Thermo baric rocket to take on harden structures. An upgraded sensor package makes it close to being a true fire and forget system.
US ARMY RANGERS- The most feared, destructive, capable force the known world has ever known. Army Rangers can deploy anywhere on the battlefield by calling in Blackhawk transports or Airborne drop. They can take on any target with accurate well placed shots from their FN SCARs or a blast from the 84mm Carl Gustav Recoilless Rifle. These men are not to be taken lightly.

Abilities: Demo charges- can destroy any building the opposition has

Room clearing- can enter and clear buildings held by the enemy

Carl Gustav- a member of the Ranger team will use the recoilless rifle on his back. Rounds are limited so chose wisely.

OK so this is just the infantry aspect of the mod I’m trying to get off the ground. Each one of these has concept art to accompany it I can’t upload them yet because my lack of facilities to do so. Anyways I was suggested that I clear up a few things about the American infantry so here.
The uniform will be either Multi-cam or a woodland type. No fucking ACUs period!

Marines will be in the mod as a sub-faction like in Kanes Wrath but that idea is up in the air. If they don’t have a dedicated sub-faction they will make an appearance in the mod in the form of Airpower and vehicles.

I will not put Delta Force, SAS, KSK, or any other elite force from the US or allied nations. Reason being is that those groups deal with more clandestine operations as oppose to taking the fight to the enemy. They may, MAY make an appearance in certain missions as a mission exclusive unit.
I’m trying to stress the importance of infantry in the mod. Some of the maps and scenarios I have planned up are more for infantry and light vehicles as oppose to heavy armor. They will have a place but I’m giving infantry a “fighting chance” in this mod. Pun not intended.

Command and Conquer 3 Mod. Operation Firestarter.

airborneeightball Blog

I have been brainstorming and drawing up some ideas for a mod that uses the cnc3 engine. I was thinking about a successor to the Generals franchise may not pan out that way for the only side that would stay would be the GLA. Here’s a little taste of what I'm drawing up.

Despite all the speculation and rumors the world did not end in 2012. It came to the brink several times during the War on Terror in which an alliance between NATO and the Chinese government defeated the Global Liberation Army in a dramatic 4 month long battle that brought most of the civilized world to its knees. Entire cities, provinces, and even nations were changed or destroyed in a battle that would determine the destiny of the free world. The Red Cross and other human rights watch groups were overwhelmed by the loss of life and alleged human rights violations by both sides of the conflict. The only other time that such loss of life was ever recorded was in the Eastern front during WW II and it was assumed that this would exceed that number. The Chinese military returned home in order to rebuild what was lost: Cities, Honor, Economy, and Families. They faced a future of uncertainty and hardship but one thing was decided for them: they could not handle a conflict like this again. For the first time in the 21st century China walked of the global stage in order to mend her wounds.
The countries that made up NATO returned home to a mixed crowd of supporters and so called “peace” activist. The most infamous incident took place in Germany where groups of youths were “protesting” outside a Bundeswehr base only to rush the gate and cause massive property damage and beating German soldiers. 32 German MPs and Paratroopers were killed in the riot, 59 were hospitalized. While incidents like this were rare there was a discontent between the European public and their governments on the handling of the war. A large majority of Europe and America desired dialogue with the GLA despite the proven war crimes and attacks on American civilians. Talks of disbanding NATO are always heard on talk radio and political podcast and blogs. America was not enjoying an era of prosperity that was expected after the war was over. The GLA had no resources, no territory, nothing the American government wanted. Directors of various government agencies felt shortchanged and cheated that even though they won nothing would be gained. There was no parade in Times Square, no V-day celebrations, not even a holiday in honor of the event. The war was unpopular in the first place and many people felt that the soldiers fighting in the conflict received enough. It was the ultimate passive-aggressive tactic say you support your troops then pretend they don’t exist. As one soldier put it; America isn’t at war the Army is, America is at the mall.
The GLA was made up of various groups fighting to rid the world of what they felt as imperialist aggression. Contrary to popular belief the GLA was not just made up of Islamic radicals. It welcomed all races and religions it was a secular movement and not many outside the organization understood their goals. In an effort to achieve them they turned to tactics similar to Islamic terror groups: suicide bombings, kidnappings, beheadings, and attacking civilians. Even though they have been disbanded many wonder if they truly lost the war.
This era of recovery has led to the formation of a new phenomenon: the formation of Private Military Contractors. A UN watch-dog group speculates the a new PMC is formed ever 4 days all over the world whether it be a small local police group or a multinational conglomerate. PMCs were here to fill the void left by NATO and China and they are here to stay. To fill this demand PMCs are getting equipped with tech and weapons that rival many western nations they’re even rumors that the largest North American PMC, Prometheus International, has employed former GLA scientist, as in what capacity remains a mystery.
A Powder Keg
As Prometheus International gains more financial backing and influence in government affairs many are wondering whose running the show. Many believe that the group has the governments of Mexico and Cuba in their deep pockets and are in the works to buy the next presidential seat. More and more contractors are being employed for “peace keeping” operations overseas ousting many US military officials. Politicians debate the pros and cons of PMCs while many fear them. A large armed private army equipped with weapons and technology many nations cannot get a hold of is now left unchecked. It’s only a matter of time before something happens and the American population is nervous and focused on this. So focused on what’s happening at home that they don’t realize what is happening in the mountains of Afghanistan. One man’s dream is about to take flight, his dream of a resurgence, his dream of a new world, and the only thing standing in his way right now is a small US outpost on top of a hill.
Like I said it’s only a brainstorm I have a few concept art pieces at the moment but if you haven’t guessed yet the three sides are going to be the USA, GLA, and Prometheus International. If people would like to hear more I will put up a tentative unit listing for all three sides.

A mod like this has been picking at my mind for a good while. The world we live in now is not so black and white anymore. The good guys are not always who they seem or who you expect. While war and mercenaries are not a new occurance; structured buisnesses who cater to conflict are. They are a private army who work for the highest bidder they swear no loyalty to a nation. What if they decide that they are going to be self employed? What can we do? Who will take advantage of the confusion? While I know something like this is unlikely there is a certian taboo to those who profit of of war. From the Redcoats, to the Nazis, to the Communist, and now the Terrorist; who will be the next bad guy of freedom? More to come in the future