I'm fairly new to mapping, and I'm currently only familiar with the HPL2 and Gold Source engines. I'm alright at mapping with HPL2, and I'm still pretty bad with scripting. As far as my experience with Gold Source goes, its pretty basic. I only know how to map for the popular mod Cry of Fear, and I've never actually mapped for Half-Life, Counter-Strike, etc, and my maps aren't very amazing, just decent. Right now I have a shitty mic, but once I get one, I'd like to get into voice-acting, at least for my own mods, I can do a variety of voices, most of them are pretty silly, and are for comedic purposes, but I hope that I can get better at serious voice-acting. Right now I have two Custom Stories for Amnesia, they're both pretty shitty. If you want to work with me, send me a PM.




