Umm.. let's see... what can I say.. Oh I got it. I'm gay, sorry ladies, I know it's impossible to resist me.

RSS Reviews

Five Nights at Freddy's 2

Game review

****** gr8 m8 I ******* love this game it's the greatest game ever, infront of FNAF numbar one. I ******* love this game and you ******* should to, ******. If you don't like this ******* game then **** off ************* ******. I do believe that you should go die, sir. If you to not die, I will be forced to noscope you.


Five Nights at Freddy's

Game review

****** gr8 m8 I ******* love this game it's the second greatest game ever, behind FNAF 2. I ******* love this game and you ******* should to, ******. If you don't like this ******* game then **** off ************* ******. I do believe that you should go die, sir. If you to not die, I will be forced to noscope you.