We are what the future will bring, their were those before, and those after.

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Gladiator campaign

Gladiator campaign

For Rome 7 comments

Its about maximus, the general who became a slave, the slave who became a gladiator, the gladiator who defied an emperor, the gladiator who fought to...

Combat changes

Combat changes

For Rome 7 comments

In For Rome the combat system got an big overhaul, but how did that affect the player and how do we work to keep the player important?

When and where were the best times to be alive?

When and where were the best times to be alive?

News 22 comments

Truly when on this earth was it the best time for humans to be alive? When was progression happening, peace prevalent, and people just seemed better?...

Ancient world OSP's

Ancient world OSP's

News 2 comments

This is not for personal use so that I can find some cool ones. I want to compile a list of them so that they can be used by the general public.

Great quotes

Great quotes

News 2 comments

Almost all of them are about history or the likes so here you go and they are all really good!

What is the best unit in military history and why?

What is the best unit in military history and why?

News 22 comments

Please don't reply with half-wit comments: ex: I totally love the Spartans because they have nice pecs in 300! xD That is a non-example!