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Corsix's Mod Studio Tutorial 1 by GreenScorpion (Basic level) (Groups : Dawn of War - Adeptus Modificatus : Forum : Tutorials : Corsix's Mod Studio Tutorial 1 by GreenScorpion (Basic level)) Locked
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Dec 26 2016 Anchor

Today I will make a reference of some features of an ebps rgd from a unit and how those things appear in the Mod Studio.

The first thing to do is opening the mod (or creating a new one if there is none) by selecting its module file in the game folder.
Then we just navigate through the folder structure like we would when on the mod folder.
As you can see in the chaos_marine_bolter file which defines the stats of each chaos marine soldier.
An ebps like several other files in the DoW modding consists of several extensions programmed in the engine of the game.
Some extensions only work with certain ebps (building extensions only work with building files).
In this ebps are most of the extensions used in an unit.
By order:
Set abilities for the unit (active or passive)
Link the weapons existent in the model with the ones coded with damage and other stats
Define the cost of the entity which influenciates the recruiting cost but not the reinforce cost
Cover modifiers and such
Entity blueprint links to the model itself and defines the colision size of the unit
Health defines several values like hipoints and regeneration but also the ressurection of the necrons
Moving sets speed of the unit and other traits of the deslocation of the unit
Sight defines the range of the sight and the keen sight or infiltrated detection
Syncdeath and synckill determines that the unit can be killed in a synkill and perform it, respectively, and how it happens
Type defines things like the armour of the unit
UI sets things like speech, icon of the unit, name and description

Exploration is advised to really absorb the details of each thing in the file and even comparing it with other files.
As long as a backup of the files are made, making some changes won't give you much more trouble then grabbing the backup in case of a crash or something.

That is all for today's tutorial, any question or sugestion can be provided in the comment section.


Apparently people don't like me :(
Is it because i was tainted by Chaos? Cause I already born that way...

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