Welcome to a world that knows no mercy — none is received, and none is given. Only physical and mental agility can keep you alive, though they are by no means a guarantor of life. You play the role of Geralt, an already legendary monster-slayer — but this, my friend, is not a gift, and is certainly not given lightly. “The Witcher” is an immense computer game. Within its realm, you will have to assume the burden of choice. And this burden of choice, as light as it may appear, is the very thing that will both permit you to wield influence over the fate of the world, as well as get you slain prematurely.

Svarog246 says

10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

A great RPG with great story and one of the few RPG where the choices you make actually make a noticeable difference, characters are very multi-dimensional and the world feels real.

The graphics are good enough considering that this game was built upon improved version of engine that Neverwinter Nights ran on. And the music is really great and helps to sink into the atmosphere.

I've had trouble whether I should give this game 9 or 10 because usually when I rate the games I rate them out of the box, as if there were no patches and without patches this game has one big flaw. Loading times, not that I mind looking at beautifully crafted loading screens but still, after 20th time entering a small hut having to endure loooong loading it becomes really annoying. But since a free Extended Edition was released for the owners of the original I'll look past that.