An infamous RTS game created by LucasArts, it was largly based off of Age of Empires, and was considered the better Star Wars RTS of the time (Others bieng Rebellion and Force Commander). Despite its age and aged appearence, it still has a small but loyal following at Heaven Games, which hosts a vault of tools which make modding the game a rather simple task.

Gandbon says

10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

This was my first rts. It may not how it is in the real star wars says. But this what it is. They enhannced the Age of Empires 2 into an game of star wars. Great stories and more. Great mods from . Who can say no to an great classic rts with many ways of playing and replay. so if u have it install it for one more season. or if u don't have it buy it from Ebay. Makes sure u have the clone campaigns for an harder way of playing :D. -maxbin