Shopping Day is a (free) critical game about the problems of modern life: capitalism, gentrification... All through a non-normative woman character that go shopping

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Memes and references in Shopping Day

Memes and references in Shopping Day


When we design games we need to think about what people will go to play our game and design the game according to this question.

Shopping Day: The main character design

Shopping Day: The main character design


The character design process can be really complicate and is one of the most important elements of game design in a conceptual meaning.

News about Shopping Day

News about Shopping Day


Last news about the development of free game Shopping Day, a critical game about shopping, the problems of modern life, capitalism and consumerism.

What's about (Far) Away?

What's about (Far) Away?


(Far) Away is still under development, this is a long time project but I'm usually working on it.