id Software's Rage combines first-person shooting, vehicular action, and "open but directed" exploration in a post-apocalyptic world, to tell the story of Earth's wretched civilization after a cataclysmic meteor strike. Militaristic authority figures, freedom-fighting rebels, criminal raiders, and twisted mutants battle each other for control of the barren wasteland Earth has become. This is the first game to feature the new id Tech 5 engine.

Desespero says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

The game left some to be desired by the time it was released, but its still id's signature.
The last participation of Carmack's on id Tech, left us wondering what id's going to be after his departure in terms of tech development.
This isn't bad, quite the contrary! It's a new beginning for the revolutionary developer of 90s.
The game proves that id is still id, no matter what is going on at it's core.
Fast paced action, kill, kill and more killing. Funny and entertaining, the game is suitable for those who just want to shoot, shoot and shoot!
The scenarios of desolated areas makes me wonder what DooM 4 can be. Hell isn't far and possibly a new outstanding piece of art is coming and is going to hit harder than ever.
Whatever you think about id Software, this is the exclamation of the game developer, telling us "we're still here!!"