A young pregnant girl was sent to a hospital. But she never saw her baby. You will help her, won't you? You start in an old huge hospital. Your mission is to find her baby. The hospital is closed, but you are not alone. People will talk to you. Will show you the way. Others will try to kill you. This project is in alpha stage for Windows. When finished it will be available for Linux and OS X too. Main functions are working for the first level. I'll add soon: - Medical drugs for healing - Random spawn points for enemy, health items and jumpscares - More voices and maybe English subtitles (some NPC voices are in Portuguese, some are in English) - NPC missions (people will tell you to do something, and you will receive something you may want, like a better flashlight, health...) TIPS: Press F1 twice to disable some graphic effects, this can double FPS in many PCs.

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Some new features for the next alpha

Some new features for the next alpha


I'm working on level 1, at the Hospital, with better features.