Penumbra is a first person horror adventure focusing on story, immersion and puzzle solving. Violence and combat is hardly an option - the player has to use wits to guide Philip through his final test, and this makes the series unique in offering a truly dangerous and terrifying experience.

chainer8472 says

10/10 - Agree (2) Disagree

One of best games I have ever player. Horror atmosphere have been freezing blood in my veins all the time. This horror game is not based on heard attack moments like other else. Player experiences constant thrill during playing - I will never forgot moment I was crouching behing boxes and trying to pass though hall guarded by that evil undead dog.

Engine and graphics
Graphic is pretty good, you can see some nice light transformations, textures are good looking, models too. Physical engine is top even now, possibility of manipulation with objects is extraordinary and you cannot find something like this in other games. Only Source engine limits to Penumbra's HPL1Engine.
Sometimes is criticized presence of weapons in game or strange fight system. Fighting with enemies is chalenging and if you cannot beat them, still you can fool them. For me, it works fine.

License and distribution
You can buy version directly from Frictional and this way obtain version for Linux, Windows even for Mac. And it is DRM free and now even opensource. Son do not hesitate to buy.