"Make a game inspired by Myst." The development of MYHA started with this single rule during the Myst Game Jam of January, hosted on itch.io by Sophie Houlden. The game was created in more or less 10 days. The CSE (NASA equivalent) of planet Terra received a distress signal from their moon. A Tongolian cosmonaut is sent to space to investigate. When he arrives at destination, there is no distress beacon, there is noone around, except for a mysterious Black Cube. He takes it and... is suddenly teleported onto a small island, in a faraway world.

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How I create the regions of my Myst-like game Boïnihi

How I create the regions of my Myst-like game Boïnihi

Level Design/Theory Tutorial 2 comments

In this short tutorial with a basic difficulty, I wanted to show the tools and method that I used to create the region of Ailhon Woods in my upcoming...