9/10 "Pure platforming goodness!" - Destructoid. Armed with a heavy-duty water cannon, Max has what he needs to vanquish his long-term nemesis: the Mutant Mudds. Max must blast and hover his way across the soiled landscape to seek out mysterious Water Sprites. Legend says collecting all of the mysterious Water Sprites will wash the filthy Mutant Mudds away for good! KEY FEATURES: • 60 challenging levels in total, spanning across 5 worlds and 8 unique graphical themes. • Includes 20 brand new "Grannie" levels designed for those who mastered the original game. • Jet between three 2D playing-fields and experience incredible depth-of-field blur effects. • On-line leader boards show the best level completion times from players around the world. • Discover secret doorways that transport you into classic gaming worlds.

Qieth says

6/10 - Agree Disagree

Mutant Mudds bring me back to a time where video games were brutal - if you didn't up your game, you wouldn't last very long. And Mutant Mudds IS brutal. You will die in more levels than you wont, and when you do, you start over. A level isn't very long on its own, but it can take a really long time to replay what you have already completed if you die.

But it is okay that a game is challenging. Some of the challenge, however, comes from controls that sometimes feel like they are working against you. There are platforms in this game that are up only for enough time for you to jump to the next, and only if you time it perfectly. This is fine on its own, but most of the times you fail one of these jumps, you will fall into spikes, instatly killing you off and putting you back to the beginning of the level. If you do take damage from something that doesn't instantly kill you, you are often put in a very precarious position.

If I could make one change to the game it would be that instant-deaths like spikes or lava didn't actually instant-kill you - but rather took one of your three hearts for the level and put you back on solid ground. Most of my time playing this game was spent playing through parts of the level I had already passed.

That being said, the game has some potential and should appeal to fans of the olden days where video games were designed to make you pull your hair out. The level design is clever and the music and graphics are adequete for the intended genre.