In a distant future, the unstoppable expansion of war left way too many unsafe grounds scattered across the world. The solution: to devise an intelligent organism capable of detecting and informing where those nasty mines are hidden. "Molesweeper" is a different take on a Windows puzzler classic, where instead of exploring the minefield from a god-like perspective, you are now an agent scouring the fields and scouting your surroundings with keen magnetic senses and your powers of deduction. (Playable demo with a 20-level campaign of sorts; further development will be halted for the time being.)

RSS Files
Molesweeper Universal Demo Release

Molesweeper Universal Demo Release


Molesweeper LÖVE package for Windows, Mac and Linux(LÖVE engine required to play)

Molesweeper Mac Demo Release

Molesweeper Mac Demo Release


Molesweeper executable for MacOS(DLLs and LÖVE engine included). May require bypassing of the Gatekeeper to be played, since this is not downloafed from...

Molesweeper Win32 Demo Release

Molesweeper Win32 Demo Release


Molesweeper executable for Windows 32bit(DLLs and LÖVE engine included)

Molesweeper Win64 Demo Release

Molesweeper Win64 Demo Release


Molesweeper executable for Windows 64bit(DLLs and LÖVE engine included)