A modern take on the classic arcade game, Lunar Lander, Lunar Flight extends the experience to a fully, fictionalised Lunar Module Simulator providing a variety of mission types involving Transporting Cargo, Acquiring Data at Survey locations and locating Lost Cargo. Completing missions earns experience points and money to be used to Refuel, Repair and Upgrade the Lunar Module. In addition to missions there are Time Trial challenges complete with Online Leader boards and a globally ranked ‘Pilots’ Leaderboard, ranked by experience.To round out the game there are a variety of Achievements to provide additional challenges and objectives. A truly unique and challenging flight simulation experience, Lunar Flight will give you many hours of immersive, addictive & rewarding gameplay. New to Lunar Flight version 1.8 is the addition of Multiplayer featuring 2 modes including Mission Score Challenge and Deathmatch using the new Weapons Systems.

Armante says

10/10 - Agree (3) Disagree

This is the first game in a long time that I think about when I'm not playing it - that's how much it has grown on me.

To plot your course, float over the lunar surface, and nail a perfect touchdown is a perfect way to relax. But only once you've got the hang of it! :) It may not be a simulation, but it's not easy either.

The graphics are fantastic, and to kick back with an xbox360 wireless controller (perfectly implemented btw - it's very natural to use it) and watch your single highly detailed view of the moon zip by or cover everything in the comprehensive 4-screen split is awesome.

I can't wait to see how this game keeps developing. For a game in beta, I'm very impressed :) Buy it! Play it! Love it :)