As Dr. Gordon Freeman, you were last seen exiting City 17 with Alyx Vance as the Citadel erupted amidst a storm of unknown proportions. In Episode Two, you must battle and race against Combine forces as you traverse the White Forest to deliver a crucial information packet stolen from the Citadel to an enclave of fellow resistance scientists.

MarBronx says

8/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

This one was well made in several aspects. Amazing areas and cool new enemies, all of them tough. The plot goes on spectacularly and the end is unexpected and good. The gameplay in outdoors is excellent and provides another options for tossing things with the Gravity Gun. Fortunately, the impractical Aux Power feature was removed, and now sprint and flashlight consume 2 different powers. The final battle is what I most remark of this game but getting the related achievement can be really difficult. Hope Episode 3 would be released someday...