Experience a vast, open-ended universe filled with an infinite number of adventures. You are the freelancer Edison Trent, an intergalactic jack-of-all-trades. Your mission: whatever you want. Become a smuggler or a ruthless space thug, a naval hero or a trader. Dodge through asteroid fields while piloting elite spacecraft. The action is endless as you make your way through 48 known star systems. Greed, morality, compassion, anger... whatever motivates you, the dynamic universe will respond.

pohsibkcir says

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Freelancer is possibly one of the best deep space Single Player/MORPG games ever made. It has the unique twist of beginning, just when you think it's over. It is one of the most modded games ever and even though Microsoft had pulled the plug on it years ago, it still thrives. One of the best Mods to try, or should I say one of the first any Freelancer enthusiast should try is Crossfire 1.8. Copies of the game can still be found at Amazon. If you haven't played this game, get it and don't deprive yourself any longer. Interested to see more, look on this site, as well as Lancers Reactor (google it). You can't go wrong with this one.