You are sent to war-torn Africa to assassinate The Jackal, a mysterious arms dealer who has rekindled conflict between local warlords, jeopardizing thousands of lives. In order to fulfil your mission you will have to play the warring factions against each other, identify and exploit their weaknesses, and neutralize their superior numbers with surprise, subversion, cunning and, of course, brute force.

Drag0 says

8/10 - Agree (3) Disagree (3)

Pretty nice game. Intense action. But... there are few backdraws. Like for instance a man who is majorly involved into everything that goes around, main character is mute. In whole game story keeps rolling but main character of it hasnt even said one word. Seems kind of... strange. Other thing is balance. Its a lack of it. Like players who would prefer stealthier kind of approaches to an enemy would find themselves in a very hard time doing it. And on hardcore difficulty its practically impossible because ''special forces'' afrikan militants will smell you, hear you kilometers away and spot you trough walls. And it seems a big loss for me, because in such games environment there could be a very good place for stealth. Game would be 3 times better if those little things would be corrected.