Welcome Back Director, your Base has been waiting for you. Endless stream of enemies Prepare for a relentless onslaught of enemy attacks, with 12 different enemy categories (Fast, Heavy, Flying, Missile Launchers, etc.) and hundreds of waves to contend with, the challenge will be non-stop. When the enemies start coming, they won't stop until you are dead. You'll need to stay alert and adjust your tactics to match the changing enemy units and strategies. Explore a massive Tech Tree Research through over 250 Technologies that can upgrade almost every aspect of your base. Upgrade Turret's damage, Refinery's speed, or your Power Plant's power output. Gain EXP to purchase new technologies for your base. Spend the EXP after defeating a King's Champion, or after you are defeated. Each game will allow you to progress farther into the tech tree, can you survive long enough to explore them all? Collect Resources Capturing gem fields is essential to funding your operation! Managing your

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Steam Deck Verification!

Steam Deck Verification!


Terrytorial Disputes is now Verified on the Steam Deck!