Dungeons of Daggerhelm is a top-down RPG-roguelike based on games such as Realm of the Mad God and Diablo, with many differences that sets itself apart from the rest. The game is currently being developed by Rendered World Games.

RSS Files
Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.0.9

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.0.9


The most up-to-date version of Dungeons of Daggerhelm Pre-Alpha version 0.0.9 (version number change), up from v0.08. Many, many, many game changes, almost...

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.08

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.08


This update includes a working inventory system, over 20 unique items that you can equip to your character, random loot drops based on RNG, guidance arrows...

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.07

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.07


Welcome to the newest demo of Dungeons of Daggerhelm, featuring the latest zone for you to play and try out: the Death Foundry. This is a work-in-progress...

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.06 (Optimization Update)

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.06 (Optimization Update)

Demo 2 comments

A whole slew of important things fixed, changed, and optimized for Windows computers. Please download and compare to previous versions!

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.05

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.05


Update v0.05 for Dungeons of Daggerhelm, including many UI changes; player combat updates, additions, and rehauls; new enemies located within the Undercore...

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.04

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.04


Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.04, introducing several new concepts: overhaul of melee combat, redesign of random generation structure, loading screens to...

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.03

Dungeons of Daggerhelm v0.03


The first Dungeons of Daggerhelm update demo created in Game Maker Studio.

Dungeons of Daggerhelm Pre-Alpha Demo

Dungeons of Daggerhelm Pre-Alpha Demo


Please enjoy the updated version of the Dungeons of Daggerhelm pre-alpha prototype demo. Featured in this version: all playable classes, new enemies...

Dungeons of Daggerhelm Prototype

Dungeons of Daggerhelm Prototype


Download the Dungeons of Daggerhelm Prototype here! Included in the prototype: - ranged combat - aggressive enemies - exploration - lively starting area...