It is the 41st Millennium in Sub-Sector Aurelia, a cluster of worlds on the edge of the Galaxy, and a battle of epic proportions is about to begin. Ancient races will clash across the planets that dot this section of space, battling for the greatest of stakes - not only the claim to the land and its bounty, but the fate of each race.

auel2667 says

6/10 - Agree (1) Disagree (2)

I'll give it OPTIMAL value>6/10.
Dow 2/Retribution is a good game in terms of Graphics and engine.Aslo destroyable enviroment was cool. BUT there are several problems that truly ARE an eyesore for DOW fans.

1-DOW2 has ONLY 6 races > wtf RELIC where did Necrons/Tau/Sisters/Dark Eldar/IDH go????? Ah half of Mother F*cking game is MISSING here!!!

2-Really really limited unit choice for any fraction usually up to 10 units ONLY!! WTF again Relic??? DOW Apocalypse has 11 units FOR Space marines only in BARRACKS!!! And overall over 35!!!

3-Relic removed all buildings and left ONLY 1- HQ. Now that is stupid.

4-MOST annoying feature relic added in Dow 2 /retribution (i really want to kill all those motherf*uckers for this) it is TADAAAAAH the RETREAT BUTTON/Ability. Man that is simply idiocy.(Facepalm)If you want to retreat just move your forces back and forth. But with this 'Magick' button squad starts to run so fast no one can catch them LOL and long range fire form enemy units is decreased times 2.I know that melee also increases times 2 but man its the dumbest idea of them all. I cant imagine SM say : FOR DA EMPERROR!!! and next second retreat >_> total bullsh*t.SM could never ever retreat.