Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 picks up where Modern Warfare 2 left off with the invasion of Manhattan by Russian forces. You will blaze through 20 action-packed missions located in England, Russia, America, Germany, and France, playing as a Russian Federal Protective Services agent, an SAS Operative and a tank gunner. The Spec-Ops missions from MW2 will make a return, split into "Mission" and "Survival" modes. Also, Call of Duty: MW3 will have the amazing CoD-style multiplayer that you have come to known.

Cossack-HD says

5/10 - Agree Disagree

****** campaign.
Infinite enemy respawn is back from singleplayer.
Obvious enemy spawn triggers in SP.
****** sound design.
Slightly improved graphics but overall graphics style is just GREY.
****** music.
Shotgun is more effective against heavy armor than sniper rifles? YOU W0T M8?
Weapon sounds are very similar to each other.
Some silenced weapons sound like some weapons without silencer, WTF.
****** multiplayer with lags even at 4/4 bars connection (good luck finding a good server).
9/10 of people I hear on voice communication are growling - not possible to understand a thing.

Render quality: Low -> Normal -> High -> Ultra -> Native.

The guy who named those presets is a retard, here's how it's supposed to be:
normal = native, all above is downsampling.

Coop is fun for a while, but max 2 players in survival - Activision are too greedy.