Design, build and run the snazziest casino in a bustling world where the sky's the limit. Work alongside cute animals who are anything but cuddly. Make sure to maximize client and visitor satisfaction while juggling their increasingly complicated demands. Inspired by the rise of Las Vegas in the 1950s, explore a retro fantasy world and take your place from a small operation to a grand success!A different kind of casino, filled with personality Meet the charming personalities of VIP visitors. Connect with them and learn their backstories, needs, goals and desires.Discover your management style What type of casino boss are you? Decide how you want to manage your capricious staff and clients, from controlling every detail to have an eagle-eye on every aspect of the business. Let your employees do their work or directly intervene on the floor. Reprimand drunk customers, kick broken machines to repair them, and make chips rain to see your customers burst with joy!Live personal stories

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2023 Indie Year In Review - Quarter 2

2023 Indie Year In Review - Quarter 2

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Check out our breakdown of the top indie dev headlines from April to June 2023!

Veni, Vidi, Video - DBolical YouTube Roundup September 26th - September 30th

Veni, Vidi, Video - DBolical YouTube Roundup September 26th - September 30th


Check out this week’s roundup of the mods and indies that were featured on the DBolical YouTube!