A friend and I are developing a 2D-style Beat 'em Up called "Beat 'em Up". We've worked on the game since about October, and we've gotten fairly far (if only the animator/designer would hurry the hell up!) seeing we only began a few moths ago. The idea is creating a simple, easy, interesting and fun fighting game. With a breathtaking online multiplayer, and an awesome 2 player (maybe up to 3-4 players) offline multiplayer. There is a demo with this, though it is barely a pre-pre-pre-alpha, which means there are multiple bugs and other functions not yet available. We've included a list of things finished in the game as of now, in addition to some of the things we hope to add. Feel free to comment, criticize, help or even yell at what we've done and hope to achieve, it could be a big help. NB! The characters that we are using for now is only for test, and we will change these characters as soon as we are done with designing our own characters. For more information check out the features.

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Things we have done [V] and things we not have done yet [ ]