Babylon: The Lost Empire, is a historical adventure where through exploration, crafting, solving puzzles, completing dungeons, emerging victorious from countless battles, soar through the skies on a flying carpet and live mythological stories to discover the secrets of ancient Babylon. ____________________________ Babilonia: El Imperio perdido, es una aventura histórica donde a través de la exploración, crafting, resolver acertijos, completar mazmorras, salir victorioso de imnumerables combates, surcar los cielos en una alfombra voladora y vivir histórias mitológicas para descubrir los secretos de la antigua babilonia.

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New Ishtar Gate Model in Develop / Nuevo Modelo de Puerta en Desarrollo

New Ishtar Gate Model in Develop / Nuevo Modelo de Puerta en Desarrollo


The Ishtar Gates, a wonder ancient of Babylon that you will be able to enjoy very soon next to the best of the mythical city of Babylon. La puerta de...