Alter is a first-person game, where we play as Layla, who has 2 other personalities, Jack and Arthur. When one personality takes control, the body shapeshifts into the current alter.

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Devlog 05 - Update to Menu | Inventory

Devlog 05 - Update to Menu | Inventory


In this week's devlog we show our updated main menu and inventory!

Devlog 04 - Update to Characters | Narrative

Devlog 04 - Update to Characters | Narrative


In this weeks devlog we show our new alters! We can finally put a face to the names of our three main characters, Layla, Jack and Arthur.

Devlog 03 - UI and Art

Devlog 03 - UI and Art


This week, we improved our game's UI, in order to make it look not only better, but simpler, leading to a better player experience. We are also working...

Devlog 02 - Object Inspection

Devlog 02 - Object Inspection


Updated object inspection so it fits the screen better, instead of being too small/big.

Devlog 01 - Prototype

Devlog 01 - Prototype


This is our first game prototype, there are still some placeholder content which needs to be added to the game.